[H2]Inner Daemons [/h2] [h3]New Melbourne, Day 3, Morning[/h3] Note: Thanks to @Winters & @Yule for letting me borrow your toons [table] [row][cell][/cell][cell][/cell][cell][/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281577][img] https://i.imgur.com/1CPW58D.png [/img][/url][/center] [/cell] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281574][img] https://i.imgur.com/T64wNiT.png [/img][/url][/center][/cell] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281589][img] https://i.imgur.com/66r372Q.png [/img][/url][/center][/cell][/row] [/table][hr] [hider=MUSIC] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1lGIy3_FG8[/youtube] [/hider] ————————————————————— A brilliant pink cursor flickered against the black background as if it were dancing, and the more Cyd stared at it, the more it aligned with the trance beat coursing through the shuttle. [i]Home sweet shuttle. [/i] It looked homier at least, especially now that the Shiki futons and tatami mats arrived. Mathias had folded them over to prop up like loungers in a semicircle. His was closest to the door because that was Mathias, risk assessment. If someone were to break in, they’d have to get through him first. The bedding style served a purpose besides comfort, the mats were easily folded and stored out of sight giving them more room. [i]Ravers shuffle.[/i] The windscreens were temporarily fitted with blackouts, it wouldn’t matter in the black, but planetside there would be sunrises followed by sunshine which she imagined, given the greenhouse effect would be vrot to daysleepers. Mathias and Isaac lazily passed a dagga pipe and shared a bag of crisps, Issac’s mood brightened a bit with each puff. Cyd sat criss-cross, her legs folded over each other as she rolled a lollipop against her teeth, its stick propped between her lips. Across her lap was a desk and datapad, which her fingers moved across in time with the rhythm. She passed on her turn for a hit and typed the auxiliary address to override the port, masking the activity from the cortex. Lekker, a game, like Isaac and his locks, searching for the combination or keys. [color=ec008c]import fnmatch import os rootPath = '/' pattern = '*.mp3 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootPath):[/color] There were no tumblers, no latches or pins, nothing to click in place. [color=ec008c] extracted_string= search_string h "””This is not a PFB array and will cause syntax error in the program"""[/color] But usually, if she looked hard enough, there was always a flaw, an Achilles heel that left the system vulnerable. [color=ec008c] Invoke irb (main) 003:1 Kaz 2y5 FSO: Alias(s)HD17a0a1: PCI root (0X0) /HD (I.GPT.64B1E).exe[/color] Take the China Doll, its gateway implemented useless virus scans, dated servers, and security software running on obsolete matrices. To that was added an onboard AI, unusual for a Firefly-class, which ignited her curiosity. [i]Why the fancy AI?[/i]. A puzzle to piece together, a lock to crack, but until then AI was easy enough to evade with a loop encoding the digital interface. [color=39b54a]HELLO. I AM S.A.M.A.N.T.H.A.[/color] It even introduced itself politely. Cyd couldn’t help but smile. [color=aba000] HI SAMANTHA. 53R3N17Y[/color] [color=39b54a]I SEE YOU HAVE OPENED A ROOT DIRECTORY, 53R3N17Y. [/color] [color=aba000] YES, I HAVE OPENED A ROOT DIRECTORY.[/color] [i]Shall we play a game, Samantha?[/i] [color=39b54a] IS THERE SOMETHING I CAN HELP YOU SEARCH FOR?[/color] Cyd raised an eyebrow. [i]Global Thermonuclear War? [/i] [color=aba000] NO THANKS.[/color] [color=ec008c] Translate a host name to IPv4 address format gethostbyname("53R3NI7Y") [/color] [color=39b54a]I WOULD BE HAPPY TO BE OF ASSISTANCE. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN EXECUTABLE FILE?[/color] [color=aba000] NO, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO CHAT ANOTHER TIME.[/color] Cyd shifted the position of the lollipop against her teeth and tapped a few more keys. [i]Let’s play hide and don’t seek, Sam.[/i] [color=ec008c]# import module from threading import * import time [/color] Mathias was right, the rules were simple. You don’t fly dirty, and that includes hacking. Just because you [i]can[/i] cause malice doesn’t mean you [i]will[/i] cause malice. [color=ec008c] # creating a function def thread_1(): for i in range(5): print('Override') time.sleep(2)[/color] The install was on her own system, just a precaution. If the Captain ever wanted an upgrade it would be his call- she’d be happy to help. She did have a shiny new microprocessor, another rabbit hole to fall down. She couldn't wait to unlock whatever secrets it didn’t want anyone to find out. She didn’t need dagga, this was enough mystery to raise the oxytocin. So many questions, so much to UNV31L. [i]Why would someone ditch two crates full and then jump overboard? What was on the chips?[/i] [color=ec008c]# main thread stop execution till 5 sec. time.sleep(5) print('main Thread execution')[/color] The program would do what daemons were designed to do -run in the background and perform actions without user interaction. Monitor, log, send notifications. In a way, that’s how she saw herself and her sibs. Their operating system = V464B0ND5, daemons revealed only by the occurrence of a specific event or condition. [color=ec008c]# creating a thread T T = Thread(target=thread_1) [/color] Who they were, what they were capable of. Cyd helping a stranger. Mathias craning someone with a pipe. Isaac’s heart breaking. 7H13V35. Even H00K 7H3 C00K gunned a fed. [color=ec008c] # starting of thread T T.start() [/color] A flicker of movement caught her eye, bringing Cyd out of the digital trance. It took a minute for her blue eyes to refocus. “Aweh?” Mathias was spinning a card absently between his fingers, up and over the back of his hand. With a shake of his wrist, the ace of hearts changed to the Jack of Diamonds. ‘Her’ Card, the one Isaac had tattooed on his right wrist and Mathias had inked over his heart. She had theirs on her shoulder. Sibling tattoos. Something tangible. "Showoff," she giggled, turning back to the screen. "Showoff," he teased back, tossing the card at the datapad. [color=ec008c]# Override_datetime = now.strft(“%d/%m/%Y:%S/%Y%T:&%Y/” Time.sleep[/color] Isaac wanted the tattoos, something he could see, to remind him they were always there. It was the first ink he got at the tender age of 14? Maybe 15, thanks to a little creative forgery and an artist willing to take cash over credits, no questions asked. [color=ec008c]# set_thread= now.strft(“%d/%m/%n:%c/%a%e:&%s/” [/color] Isaac passed the pipe to Mathias, handing the rest of the crisps to his brother so he could lie back and work on the combination lock as he contemplated seeing Sarah before take off. Seemed like everyone on the ship had their daemons. [color=ec008c] T= check status print(T. Execute_Daemon() Time.Sleep[/color] Mathias extinguished the pipe with a yawn which proved itself to be infectious. After rubbing her tired eyes, Cyd lowered the volume, closed the datapad and set the half-finished lollipop inside a glass for later. Right now, the program had the right idea. With a second yawn, her aqua hair fanned over the surface of the mattress as she snuggled under the new comforter. "Night Yobo. Night Lolo." Execute Daemon. Time. Sleep.