Dusk was encroaching, and so was the hour of the plan. Matias took this moment to dig into the drawstring bag Scarlet had given to him earlier. His hand blindly shuffled around until it came into contact with something angular and cold. Pulling it out confirmed his hypothesis-- a handgun magazine, hopefully of the right make. It was hastily placed in its own special pocket on his holster. Now for everything else. He slung the bag over his shoulder as he rose from his wireframe throne. He picked up a few medkits and walked out the warehouse where the van sat. It was a clunky old thing, grey as ash and dirty like it too, but it did its job. Before loading the back, Matias took a moment to look up and both ways, on every rooftop he could make out. No one. Good. Into the back the medkits went. Back and forth he went, carrying in whatever he could carry that he felt was necessary. Thankfully the sky was still orange with light so he could actually see each time. With everyone's help, the van was neatly decorated with supplies and weapons. Matias celebrated with a stretch that cracked the satisfaction out of his back. "Alright," he said, "who's driving?"