[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/334896275868876800/765009088026771536/Rivka2.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d3/ce/e5/d3cee57d8b710c9cde0c2276d697d889.gif[/img][/center] [hr] Before acts of nature mere mortals freeze. They stare in awe, or else avert their gaze and seek shelter from the very elements. Such was Rivka Sokolov's lot seeking a partner for the waltz. Unfortunate, but unavoidable. But how was she to solve it? How was she to modulate the force of her gaze, her very presence, to accommodate another? The problem, fortunately, was solved for her. [color=7e5e7f]"The Victoria?"[/color] She said in a lilting tone, turning the name over in her mind. It [i]was[/i] familiar. Yes, she had played a set at the Victoria only a few nights past. Not a bad one, if she said so herself, but it wasn't quite her best work. Only a few songs was not nearly time enough to warm up properly, to find the wavelength that most resonated with her audience. Still she had clearly done well, as this officer-to-be's praise proved. [color=7e5e7f]"Yes, I did. This past Wednesday, I think it was."[/color] For her musing she had already made a decision; rather than answer she took the proffered hand with her own and drew the cadet in, left arm extended to the side and her right at the small of the brunette's back. The waltz's timing was easy, nor were the steps especially intricate; but she would have patience while she waited to see how well her partner knew the steps. Should she not know, or should she need a reminder, that was fine; she could learn. And there was no better teacher than herself. [color=7e5e7f]"I'm pleased to be recognized. What's your name?"[/color]