As Fefnir began to digitalize into reality Enma fell to the ground, scraping his arms as he scurried away. [color=a187be]"W-what is this?"[/color] The completed silhouette looked back at Enma with a smirk before wordlessly charginmg forward at the Mettaur, his arm grabbing the flame firng weapon on his back and shoving it under the cap of the virus, before firing and roasting it from underneath. [color=ed145b]"This is how a true warrior fights, burn it into your memories!!!"[/color] Fefnir shouted out in a roar as it looked at the other Mettaur around. [color=ed145b]"Who wants some?!"[/color] Enma could only stare in awe, disbelief of the situation he was in beginning too crumble away as he had to accept that fefnir had just DIGITALIZED in front of him.