[centre] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQflg-z9nQOc9a6bCHFtrSb4lRpHccGrYNtw&usqp=CAU[/img] [h1]Jiugui[/h1] [h3]The Wine Demon | The Unquenchable Thirst | The Rose-Cheeked God[/h3] [/centre] Thunderous cacophonies of creation blasted into reality all around, and the scene of existence had in the span of minutes gone from nothing into everything - water, earth, heat, cold, magic - forces of the physical world accompanied by the forces of the cosmos: knowledge, luck, fortitude, destruction and souls. At the centre of it all - Him; the Celestial Master, the Lord Who Towers of All. The Cosmic King had spawned with such magnificent power this roster of retainers, this society of stewards - drizzling the world in rain and penning the words of Creation itself. Life - life was finding its way. It was then that a puddle, not too far from the ruins of the garden fountain, was exposed to the sweet dust of a godly shard; that sugar in the air that blasted off from creation and seasoned the soil with holy spirit. That was enough. The water accepted this candy of Creation and the two fused into a thin syrup that immediately sported a small, brown mustache of foam - an eyeball of yeast blinked up at the rain. It had little time before it would be flushed away. It decided to do something about it. So the yeast spun itself a whirlpool in the puddle and flushed itself down into the soil. There, it quickly found exactly no one, and it couldn’t accept that - where was the joy in being alone? So the yeast, immediately changing its mind, tunneled back up into the air and became a cloud. The cloud thickened, but the rain from above kept cutting through it and preventing it from coalescing properly. The cloud, rather annoyed at this point, floated for cover, finding it in the ruins of an ancient pavilion. There, the cloud could finally gather into a clump of foam, and the clump spat out a creature - a man, red of skin, small of growth and round with fat. The creature, clothed in a white silk robe and hatted with a black [i][url=https://assets.atlasobscura.com/media/W1siZiIsInVwbG9hZHMvYXNzZXRzLzZiYjMxMjMwLTIzOGItNGYzNC05MWM2LTNjYjMxMDFjODk1MTQzMDVlNGVjYTZkNmMzM2RmZF9TaGVuem9uZ19vZl9Tb25nLmpwZyJdLFsicCIsImNvbnZlcnQiLCIiXSxbInAiLCJjb252ZXJ0IiwiLXF1YWxpdHkgODEgLWF1dG8tb3JpZW50Il0sWyJwIiwidGh1bWIiLCIxMjgweDcyMCMiXV0/Shenzong_of_Song.jpg]futou[/url][/i], crashed into the pavilion floor, but spared no muscular expense and turned the clumsy landing into a dexterous roll, ending in a lying seat, a cup spawning in his right hand as if by instinct. With his cup in his grip and a sip to his lip, he, Jiugui, spoke the first drunk poetry the world had ever heard: [centre][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/13CzDrEKAgEVd6yn-PeIFi1KtOV3y6eQMo_bU7NNonjLaU3mxpEzFQBqh-Le_89SlBEbHhfSmk0uXBfKxoaA2yLPWhRhyOgGnInUqUSwKXacsRJUdKmy[/img][/centre] [centre][h3][i]Thousand years of brewing art Hidden in the Lian Spring, art! Wine from poets’ gardens flows, Tastes which will undo all woes.[/i][/h3][/centre] He then looked around. “Wait, where ish everyone?” [hider=Summary] A cloud of alcohol made from divine shard sugar and rainwater spawns Jiugui, who then recites poetry to exactly no one. [/hider] [hider=Vigor!] Vigor: 10/10, best monarch. [/hider]