Okay, I think I've come up with a character concept already. "Vulture" in this world is a colonel in the Panauan air force, who with the help of the CIA developed his adamantium-coated wingsuit as a means to combat "enhanced individuals" in the field. Besides his overall terrifying combat presence when slaughtering resistance fighters, his scientific expertise means that he's basically like a pseudo-Batman who comes up with the military's contingencies for superhumans. He's been a loyal officer to the ruling regime for some time now, but the government's withering authority means that he is considering instigating a coup to "save the country" from the rebellion. [hider=In short:] [center] [img]https://media.comicbook.com/2020/08/marvel-vulture-spider-man-homecoming-1233631-1280x0.jpeg[/img] [color=ADD8E6][sup]"Don't play dead with me."[/sup][/color] [/center] [/hider] (On-the-nose condor analogies aside.)