Although things were a little hazier, as Joseph much preferred his world to be, he remained mindful of Elissa’s responses which so far, he deemed to be positive. It really was an awful lot of fun for him, and women’s company he greatly enjoyed, “by your boldness, of course” he replied, “you’re a handful, and enough to distract any man” he made reference to the incident earlier that day. [i]Of course he knew how to dance, who didn’t?[/i] but Elissa seemed keen to teach him, “maybe you need to show me how” he grinned, “my hands aren’t too dirty for you now, are they?” he laughed. Rhea had returned to the table but Joseph and Elissa were dancing, she was a little concerned for him, this girl seemed to know something about him, and she wasn’t entirely sure what Elissa’s motives were towards him. She sipped the scotch, [i]they’ll return soon[/i], Joseph would need to top up on drink.