Elissa was especially good at dancing, and Joseph enjoyed being shown what to do, he took care not to swing her around too boisterously as they practiced the reel together, “how about we forget the music?” he laughed, scooping her up from her feet from around her back and behind her knees he twirled around a few rotations holding her firmly, he staggered only a little from the dizziness as he came to a stop to set her down. Rhea smirked, “aye” she agreed, it was good for the crew to let off steam, they had a reasonable voyage yet to make to France. Rhea raised her eyebrows for a moment then pulled a thoughtful expression, looking down at her tankard on which she tapped her short fingernails, Adam was always particularly astute, and she sensed that he’d identified her concern for Joseph well, she supposed it was obvious, Adam had been with them a while and knew how she’d try to guard Joseph from his own behaviour at times. She needed him to be rid of her as soon as they reached France, perhaps she was a little jealous, yes, she always was, but she feared far worse that Elissa knew something about Joseph that she didn’t.. Joseph had always been broken in a way, in his own way, in a way she couldn’t help him, although she desperately wanted to. Maybe Elissa knew him in a way that made him the complete person he needed to be, deep down. [i]Would she lose him if that was the case?[/i] Rhea merely nodded in agreement at Adam’s predictions.