[b]MIKA CHAMBERS[/b] Once let inside, Mika walked through the house, making mental notes of the place just incase anything was out of the ordinary, but honestly the house looked amazing to her. A typical surburbian house in her eyes, a house she was actually envious of in some ways as she had always dreamed of having a nice big house like this with Dean, but unfortunately the hunter lifestyle never allowed them to have it. With Dean heading to the kitchen, she walked into the living room with the widow and began talking with her about what happened and when. She wanted to hear the timeline of events from the woman herself rather than relying on what the news said. It somehow didn't entirely surprise her that the wife described her husband as someone everyone who knew him, loved him. It was a description that was always said so she was actually expecting it. She also found herself at one point getting the woman to open up by expressing how she knew what she was going through, that she too knew of the grief she was experiencing. With that said, it seemed to make the widow trust her and open up. "And there's no one you can think of who would have a grudge against him?" Mika asked, only to get a shake of the head after a bit of thinking. "No, like I said, everyone loved him who knew him. The only people he's interacted with lately is his work colleagues and our babysitter Tracy Davis" the widow explained, and the name she dropped seemed to hit in Mika'a memory to her for some reason. She would have to make note until later. She wrote the name down as if she was legitamately an FBI agent when Dean came in and stood beside her. Sensing he was done doing what he needed to, she looked at the widow, "well thank you for the information, please, if you think of anything else don't hesitate to call me on this number-" she said as she pulled out a business card and handed it to the woman. "we'll be in touch with any updates ourselves. Thank you for your time" she told her. The widow showed them both out with her own thanks to them before closing the door behind them. Outside Mika sighed and tucked some hair behind her ear as she exhaled. "that woman is seriously grief stricken...poor woman." she commented as they headed to Dean's car again. "The name Tracy Davis ring a bell to you with this case?" she then asked eventually. [b]SAM AND NATALIA WINCHESTER[/b] The way the boys had been sizing up Annabeth wasn't entirely sitting well with Sam and even Natalia was getting a tad protective over Annabeth, wanting to play a older sister role and wipe those gawking looks off the boys' faces and tell them to divert their eyes unless they wanna have it slapped off their faces. A role that Natalia never thought in a million years she would ever feel. She was usually content with being the baby annoying sister to Sam and Dean, now here she was wanting to protect Annabeth which she could only think was a consequence of not being able to help Sam help save Annabeth from the Angel. "lets hope we don't" Sam mumbled in reply to Anna's comment about going to talk to the boys if they felt they needed even more information. As they walked down to the art room, he listened to what she muttered to him again and nodded at her words even though he didn't particularly like the plan. "I can handle my professionalism, you'd be surprised at what I've have to remain professional through when it's just been me and Dean, or me and Nat" he muttered to her. "he ain't wrong, he wanted to punch a guy one time with how letchy he was being with me" Nat said quietly back as they reached the art room and walked inside, where Sam then took the lead this time. "Excuse me, is this where we can Tracy Davis?" he asked as he saw a teacher in the room, doing some cleaning up. "Yeah but you just missed her, class clocked out early. But how can I help you?" the tall man replied, with hair nearly as long as Sam's. Nat and Sam pulled out their ID's, showing them, "we're here about the death of her friend. We're following up on the reports to see if there's anything else we can find" Natalia spoke. "I'm not sure what you'll get out of her. She can be a....troublesome student at times. She almost clawed my eyes out when I told her her work was inappropriate and disturbing" the man named Don explained. "Really?" Sam replied curiously, which made Don show them the girl's work. THe work was indeed disturbing and Natalia looked at Annabeth and gestured for her to take photos discreetly, whilst she and Sam spoke with the teacher. "Seems a bit of a overreaction to some critique that is justified" Natalia replied, whilst Sam remained silent for now. "Is she usually of this kind of mindset?" Sam asked, "she wasn't, but she has changed mood wise lately, I don't know if anything different has happened in her life. I know she babysits for the man and wife whose husband died recently. Maybe that has something to do with it" Don explained.