( *・∀・)ノ゛ Look at that, I'm finally posting in a play-by-post RP forum again. Imagine. Can't be me, nope. Hi everyone! I'm Lilyfluff; most call me Lily because of that. I do plan on joining the Discord here in just a bit after writing this post! I'm...old. I'm well over the age of 18, with a very tiring full-time job and full-time gaming and home life, lol. Thankfully, said job is [i]also[/i] out of the home, so that makes things much easier when it comes to my hobbies, aka gaming, and writing, as well as many more! I have, like many people, an army of OCs that I plan to have stories about, or get them into stories with other people! Albeit they're all female OCs, because I do not feel like I can write males to save my life! Thanks for allowing me in y'all's corner of the universe; I hope to have fun here~ *:・゚✧(ꈍᴗꈍ)✧・゚:*