[h2][center] Regina Smith — The Huntress [/center] [/h2] Hearing Tetrad's answer, Regina's firm expression quickly turned into a frown. "No plan? A hunter who goes after her prey without a plan is a dead hunter." Her judgment of the woman had soured significantly. Not only was she dressed provocatively, prancing around in a jester outfit like that, her brain was that of a clown as well. Maybe it was a mistake, picking this job. Another girl soon arrived at the scene, and, to her surprise, on a bicycle no less. She actually thought of buying a bicycle to get around the city better. But she decided against it, with the argument that she could just take the train, knowing that its network pretty much covered the entire city. And for sensitive missions like this, she preferred walking to her destination instead. She would gather less attention that way. All in all, she approved of her. Especially since she actually dressed normally unlike these two oddballs. “The name’s Regina. A Freelancer. Expert at ranged combat and stealth.” There. That should be enough introduction. No need for handshakes or anything. As a Freelancer, she was used to working solo, so there was no reason to “network” or “make connections” or whatever those buzzwords people liked to use. She wasn't being rude. She was just being honest. Her attention was soon diverted to the large masked man, who seemed to be the leader of the group. He pretty much towered over her, with her head only reaching up to his waist. Inadvertently, she took a step backwards. Ever since her unfortunate encounter with the bear, she always had an aversion to large men like him. He announced their objective — to kill every cultist and take over the place. Exactly like the job description said. She liked that. Oh how she despised clients who lied on their postings. And the place was apparently named Bastion? What an odd name for a warehouse. The details of the cultists' identity didn't matter. This was the first time she had heard of their name so she had no info of her own that she could share with them. Their wrongdoings didn't matter either. She knew just how many scum there were in this city. The big guy then gave his plan. And by that, he meant telling them to sneak in while he stayed outside. She took a deep sigh. With this lot, that was the best plan she could expect. "Very well. We can go with that. I'll try sniping the cultists from a distance. Silently. I would appreciate it if none of you got in my way." It was time to activate her glamour. A strong wind jetted up from under her feet, lifting her hair, jacket, and skirt upward. It was followed by a green light that enveloped her entire body. The breeze spread to the two girls (and one guy) near her, forcing the scent of fresh grass into their nostrils. It only lasted for a few seconds, and when it did… Her outfit didn't change in the slightest. Only now she wielded a bow with a quiver slung over her back. "Let's go." She glanced at the two girls. [hr] They then entered the warehouse, where they were immediately greeted by a complete shift in their atmosphere. The containers, used to be stacked precisely on top of one another, were now set aside in a haphazard manner, revealing a bunch of gorillas guarding a manhole that was sure to lead to their destination. ...Wait, they weren’t gorillas. They were humans! In gorilla suits! And they were all well-armed, wielding various melee weapons in their hands. That was it. Whatever they were, she didn’t want to see them anymore. Ignoring their dumb battle cry and their chest thumping, Regina immediately drew her bow. She had the range advantage. She could kill one or two before any of them could close the distance. Her arrow flew, carrying with it her greenish esper energy. Before it could land on any of the gorillas, it split apart mid-air into dozens or more arrows. It rained down on them without mercy. [hr][hider=Mana cost and specs][center]18 | Female | Freelancer | A Hunter’s Grace A Hunter’s Bow | Bow | Arcane | Lightweight A Hunter’s Jacket | Down To Earth A Hunter’s Tools | Nature | Long Claws Damage X (6), Blink (4), Portal (8), Summon (4), AoE (2), Piercing (2), [Poison (2), Transform (2)] DAMAGE: C | SPEED: E | SENTINEL: D | 500 [Bronze Projectile][Damage X][AOE] = -96 Mana PHYSICAL: E | ARCANE: C | CHAOS: D | 404[/center][/hider]