[h2]Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] "You!" the paladin snapped, spinning to face Cal. Given the situation, she appeared to be a [i]lot[/i] more suspicious of Veileena's motives than her captain did, "I thought you were supposed to be better than your father, but here you are snooping around in places you shouldn't be after things you shouldn't [i]touch[/i]..." Tyaethe paced back and forth a few times, not wanting to get too close to the bodyguard, nor being the one the one to enlighten the poor Hundi who had only just gotten here. "So, are you the thief, or just one of the people too cocky to [i]tell the Church[/i] when items of cataclysmic importance are found or [i]go missing?[/i]" Nott hat this would particularly help find it, unless she was the original thief, but at least they could determine if Veileena needed to be imprisoned. Which would be annoying; anything involving the misdemeanours of high nobility was. [@VitaVitaAR][@JessieTargaryen][@FlappyTheSpybot][@Crimson Paladin][@HereComesTheSnow]