[CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/cGvkMjq.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/vT7cD5e.png[/img][B][COLOR=goldenrod] S E A S O N O N E : H O M E C O M I N G[/color][/B] [img]https://i.imgur.com/vT7cD5e.png[/img] [/CENTER][COLOR=#c9b142][indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=gold][I]Xavier Institute, Westchester, New York[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]New Mutants #1.09[/b][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][sub][hr][/sub][sub][indent][color=#c9b142][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/color] [@Retired][/indent][/sub] [indent][color=orange]“[b]CAR![/b]”[/color] [color=silver]A 2012 Honda Accord flipped end over end, arcing through the air toward the orange-skinned aquatic mutant. Sliding like a baseball player coming into home, Katie shot across the asphalt of New York’s busy streets clad in a yellow costume that had a stylized starburst on the chest. Her hands were engulfed within fiery orbs of pure light. As she put herself between Sammy and the incoming car, the girl pushed to twin orbs into one another as she put her hands together... [color=gold][b][i]CRACK-OOM[/i][/b][/color] The explosion sent a shockwave radiating out from the girl, with sufficient force to knock the boy behind her onto his backside even as the plasma bolt lanced through the air like something from a science fiction serial. The yellow beam neatly bisected the descending vehicle. The resulting explosion of its fuel tank broke the two halves of the car apart, so that either half slammed down several feet away from Squidboy. Which was still startling. [color=orange]“OH SHIT!”[/color] the boy exclaimed, as several hundred pounds of twisted and melted metal slammed down to his left and right. Across from the disheveled pair of tweens, the amorphous figure of the Blob gave a laugh, as the behemoth mutant started toward the two. The street cracked under his massive weight, causing the ground to tremble with each step. The glow in Katie’s eyes started to fade, their natural blue showing as the toll on her body and the amount of energy that she’d used started to take hold. Then, gritting her teeth, the girl seemed to catch a second wind as she set her stance. Steam rose from the street, as the asphalt appeared to liquify and melt under her boots. Eyes flashing like the sun, the girl’s hands crackled with static before the golden orbs appeared once again. Behind her, Sammy’s yellow eyes moved as his head swung left to right. They were fighting right next to Central Park. Cars were swerving to try and avoid the scene. The sidewalks were packed with panicked people, some running, some watching. There were shops and homes. As the aquatic watched as the Blob approached, he looked back at Katie and realized where this was going. [color=orange]“Are you nuts?”[/color] the boy asked, reaching forward to grab the girl by the shoulder. The moment his hand connected with the glowing girl, it was like he’d contacted [i]pure acid[/i]. Sammy swore loudly, yanking his hand back to nurse the burn on his palm. Grimacing through the pain, he shouted at Katie’s back, [color=orange]“You’ll nuke [i]half of New York![/i]”[/color] Digging in, the Energizer continued building up toward inevitable destruction. [color=pink]“You got a plan?”[/color] the girl tossed back at him. [color=orange]“You’re the experienced hero!”[/color] Sammy quipped. The girl’s pig-tailed whipped around as she spun to face the orange-skinned mutant. [color=pink]“You won’t always have me along!”[/color] she snapped vehemently, advancing a step and causing Sammy to take one backward. [color=pink]“So stop jerking off back there [i]and what’s the god damn plan?[/i]”[/color] Withering under the girl’s gaze, the Squidboy seemed to shrink even as he mulled over the situation. [i]What would Cyclops do?[/i] [color=orange]“We need to lead him away from the city,”[/color] the boy rationalized aloud, pausing a moment to think. Finally, he looked back at Katie and then looked up to the sky. [color=orange]“Cherub, hit him. If you can get him angry, maybe he’ll follow you.”[/color] [color=pink]“[i]Finally,[/i]”[/color] Katie uttered, exhaling with relief. Then, tapping the communicator she wore in her ear, turned back toward the Blob even as she announced, [color=pink][b]“Blue, you’re up!”[/b][/color] A metallic whine cut through the air, as the blue-skinned child swooped into view. The sunlight reflected brilliantly off the silvery, techno-organic wings as they spread out to their full length. Sections seemed to pull apart, as rows of razor-sharp points seemed to separate from the otherwise smooth appearance. Dropping low among the buildings, the young Archangel took a breath as he prepared to... ...do nothing. Letting go the breath he was holding, the golden-haired clone of Warren Worthington vaulted back into the air, dropping back down as he seemed to make a second pass. Gritting his teeth, he held his breath as he set his sights on the Blob and... ...and nothing. Letting go of the breath in a sigh, the razor points blended back into the metallic wings, which folded back to their normal appearance as the boy merely circled overhead. [color=pink]“Computer, pause program!”[/color] Drawing in another breath, Cherub seemed to resign himself to a lecture as he folded his wings against his back and dropped down in front of Katie and Sammy. His eyes were downcast as he crossed his arms in a defensive posture. Not so much defiant as it seemed he was almost hugging himself. Katie caught the gesture, her first words paused. She said them, but tried to soften her tone. [color=pink]“What was that?”[/color] The boy’s blue eyes seemed to be fixed on the ground. The toe of one foot dug into a spot where Katie’s disintegration field had caused liquification of the black top. Finally, a scant gaze came upward as the X-Baby offered, [color=skyblue]“I don’t want to hurt anyone.”[/color] Hands planted on her hips, the Energizer found herself startled. [color=pink]“Seriously? It’s [b]the Blob![/b]”[/color] Cherub’s face turned downward, as the self-hug tightened. Inwardly, Katie kicked herself for the slip. The static field around her faded, as she held out her hands and softened her tone as she started again. [color=pink]“I mean... that’s not what I mean,”[/color] she began. In her own ears, she was starting to sound like her brother Alex. Did she even know what she was trying to communicate? [color=pink]“Wolverine can’t even cut him.”[/color] The boy’s face stayed downcast as a meek voice asked, [color=skyblue]“What about after?”[/color] Katie and Sammy each exchanged a glance, before Squidboy finally spoke up and asked, [color=orange]“What... do you mean?”[/color] [color=skyblue]“Are we gonna pick up all my razor-feathers? Because they’re gonna wind up all over the place,”[/color] Cherub remarked, looking up as he asked, [color=skyblue]“So what happens when someone steps on one? Or a kid picks one up?”[/color] Katie and Sammy exchanged another look, prompting Cherub to add, [color=skyblue]“They’re poisoned, remember?”[/color] Katie started to say something, then seemed to think twice about it. With that, the X-Baby turned and walked toward the exit from the Danger Room. [color=orange]“Wait, what about training?”[/color] Sammy asked, calling out after the retreating Cherub. Turning to glance back, the golden haired Angel repeated, [color=skyblue]“I don’t want to hurt anyone,”[/color] Turning his back to them, the boy continued toward the exit, as he offered only, [color=skyblue]“I’m sorry.”[/color] Katie gave a slight, inaudible gasp, as memories of her brother Jack flashed briefly to mind. Except, Cherub’s tone and posture didn’t remind her of Jack. If anything, he was reminding him of [i]herself[/i]. [color=orange]“Well, I guess he can keep Bobby company,”[/color] Squidboy offered half-heartedly, in an awkward attempt at filling the silence with... well, anything other than silence. [color=pink]“We should get ready for class,”[/color] Katie offered finally, making her own way toward the exit. [color=orange]“Seriously, what loser through the five of us would make a good team?”[/color] Sammy deadpanned in a biting tone. Katie’s eyes flashed dangerously as she cut a glare over at the aquatic mutant, which seemed to convince him to be quiet for the time being. As the two passed underneath the Observation Room, the girl looked up at where she knew Dani Moonstar was watching. Katie knew building team work was going to be rough, but this hadn’t gone [b]at all[/b] like she’d expected.[/color][/indent]