[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cl86vjI.png[/img][hr] [color=#ff7f00]Location:[/color] Elevator Bank [color=#ff7f00]Skill:[/color] Super Sense [/center] [hr][hr] [color=#ff7f00]"Thanks, Astrid."[/color] Dalisy said before climbing up the Valkyrie. It was a little awkward since it was dark, but hey, it was better than waiting to be rescued. Something Dalisy couldn't stand the idea of. [color=#ff7f00]"It if helps Runa normally if there is going to be a critical failure like that it would have happened right away instead of just hanging out."[/color] Dalisy tried to sound reassuring, [color=#ff7f00]"Also when I'm upset I just punch things. If you want to punch me, when I get off Astrid here I'd be happy to let you."[/color] Dalisy reached around on the ceiling of the elevator before she found a lever. [color=#ff7f00]"Perfect, found the hatch lever."[/color] She told everyone. It was best to give them an idea of what was happening since seeing in the dark wasn't most people's forte. She pressed against the hatch, but it seemed jammed. [color=#ff7f00]"It's stuck. Sorry, Astrid. I'm gonna try to get it open."[/color] She was putting a lot of pressure on Astrid and she didn't want the girl to be surprised by her struggling. It took a couple of tries but she was able to get it open. [color=#ff7f00]"Got it!"[/color] She tried to pull herself up, but slipped and fell. She landed on the floor of the elevator and cursed in Tagalog. She wasn't fluent in the language, at least not in this reality, but cursing was universal. [color=#ff7f00]"Well the hatch is open. How is prying open the door coming?"[/color]