[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210929/2585c341a9f5d2fa8d54baded9670d5e.png[/img] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/daee17b23bf60b4ea1ee48a98249b18a/37dbd21efbf522b4-b5/s500x750/f903c65005a40e542ce1b2f95d02746ca06df22c.gifv[/img] [sub]Location: OIC Dorm - Room 443 Mentions: Andre [@metanoia] & Laren [@Venus] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/37/57/26/375726e9b6d0abadbc11ef9834bd519d.jpg]OOTD[/url][/sub][/center] [hr][hr] [indent]The disrespectful alarm blared an iconic song from the 90s. It was Monday, the start of another week of classes. A large hand grabbed the phone emitting the horrid song. A few taps later and the phone is silent, but a body turns beneath the expensive sheets. Today was like any other day for him. He slowly reached up to rub the crusties out of his eyes. He was still disgusted by what he'd read on why the eye develops a crust. Light permeated the curtains, a few rays managing to find holes to shine through. He stretched, unsure how to start his day. Looking down at his phone, he noticed a few missed calls, one of them from Jeim. He hadn't spoken to anyone over the past couple of days. It wasn't like him not to talk to people, he was a social butterfly, or rather a moth, at least that is what Jeim called him. He missed his family. They hadn't called in three weeks, since the beginning of school, and every time he called them there was no answer. He hoped everyone was alright, but even his aunts and cousins didn't reply. It was like they'd put him on silent, and the feeling sucked. Legs dangling off the bed, he felt the cool wood beneath his feet as he stood up. He had a morning routine. Shower, shave, get dressed and then head to the cafe for a bit before heading to class. Phone in hand, he made his way towards the fridge. Peering in, he saw a sandwich belonging to Andre. He still didn’t know what to make of the guy, and the last conversation they had was awkward. He was still trying to figure out why Andre didn’t like him, but Andre had made it pretty clear that there was distaste between them. It took a lot of restraint for Riley not to drive Andre’s head through the wall. Grabbing the sandwich, he forcefully tossed it into the trash can, a loud bang filling the dorm. Riley nearly slammed his fist into the wall when his phone vibrated. He turned it over in his hand and read the text from Jeim. It was a picture of the board stationed for everyone to see. He looked over the picture and rolled his eyes at the name he was given. Bull. He really didn’t have time for some dumb-ass bulletin board with different students on it given nicknames by some anonymous drama starter, but for some reason, his eyes continued to scan the picture. Riley moved his fingers to type a reply, but stopped and decided against it. He saw Laren’s photo, then Andre’s, and his eyes finally landed on Jeim’s and John’s. He needed to shower and clear his mind of the drama. He didn’t know what he’d do if he saw Andre right now, or how he’d respond to Jeim who he hadn’t spoken to in a week. Two more years and he would graduate and leave all of this behind. Two more years and he would still be a simple memory to Laren, and nothing more. Two more years and he could go back home and handle his responsibilities.[/indent]