"My word is all I can give you right now, my lady," he replied, after she had warned him not to try anything. "Where exactly are we?" He could not help but feel a little awkwardness mixed with his apprehension. Roxy clearly had not done this whole abduction thing too many times, if she had even done it before. Her threats did not come across as too intimidating by themselves, but his imagination about what he might not be spotting up front was sufficient to make him think twice about pulling any risky moves. The barn looked to be like any other, and there did not seem to be anyone else around. She was likely all alone in this, and whatever she said he had, she must want it badly. The place looked like it would have been rather cozy if not for the current situation, and he wondered why she would bring up claustrophobia. That was until she opened the door to the back of the van, revealing an open hatch that would have otherwise been difficult to notice. He cautiously slid out of the van, taking some time to have a better look around the area. He then walked over to the hatch with her and peered in. "I bet I'll be surprise at what's in there. I mean, it's not as if girls haven't invited me over to their places before, but you're different from the others, aren't you?" His use of humor as a coping mechanism still seemed to be working in keeping him calm. Also, perhaps she was telling him the truth and he actually was safer hiding out at a place like this one. If that were the case, then she would have no problems giving him the information he required to fully understand what was going on. He entered the hatch with her, truly not knowing what to expect. "I guess we're doing this. We have a lot to talk about."