The rebels looked up in the skies as multiple fireballs were coming down on the planet. These were ships and not asteroid as they corrected course on their approach. A missile flew out of the forest and hit one of the crafts that went crashing down. As they drew closer they flew overhead the battlefield, [url=]one of the ships[/url] was much larger and visibly much more luxurious than the others. "Wait, what the hell is this ship doing here?" The voice of Killday came to the rebel's communication with a small laugh. "Looks like the CEO came... with backup. This operation is scrubbed guys, if I know the security forces as well as I remember she'll force an encirclement, her goal isn't to beat us but to kill us all, if we survive this battle she knows we'll just start again. This means that we can either flee now... or use her stupidity to deal some real damage. I won't lie, its going to be hard to pull off but I say we counter attack while they think they've got the upper hand and go toward the CEO's craft and kill the CEO and the leaders to then flee in the confusion. I can't force you to do this, but-" He was interrupted by a rebel. "Screw it, were dead anyways and we've known that the day we joined you. It's do or die and I intend to do as much as I can!" Other encouragements came. They were now outnumbered and out gunned by more trained and experienced enemies, but yet morale was high. "Chamberlain... Sue." It was the voice of Killday. "Listen. That ship, it's the personal ship of Veronika Tolstoy, god damn White Mantis. She's going to be a tough nut to crack and quite frankly I don't know if we can beat her and much less if we could get out after that. I know you're one to fight but I need you, if anything go wrong, if it seems like we're loosing... to bailout from the fight and find a way to go to Petersport. Go there and find the 'Black Sheeps' and tell them I sent you and that I died. Projects are our greatest assets and even to kill Tolstoy it's not a price I'm willing to pay. This is a direct order and maybe the last I'll give you so don't. Disapoint. Killday Over and Out. God luck out there." ____________ "Landing Craft 2 got shot down by a guided missile, half of the crew is dead and they had to make an emergency landing 3 miles from here." Cubric grind his teeth before answering. "Tell the pilot to try and repair while the soldiers move in to join the fight if it isn't over by then, the rest of the teams will patch the hole, team 7 will go in as well, only team 6 will stay with the VIP as protection and reserve. Tell Stevenson to begin deploy in halfmoon to begin the envelopment. Le Marne and Team one will flank in Embolon Flying Wedge to break the rebels once the encirclement as been confirmed." In his inside the 'Spring Palace', Tolstoy's private flagship, Cubric observed the holographic display and gave quick sidelooks to Veronika who was also looking at it. He noticed that the enemy had stopped falling back and squinted his eyes. What were they planing? (OOC: I'll let Rho decide if he's in the assaulting troops, the craft that was downed or in team 6 as reserve)