Time:7 PM Location: River Port Interactions:, Rue [@Potter] Bowyn [@Helo] Equipment: basic travel pack, medical pack, and weapons. 839 Amas. [hider=Foot Soldier Armor] [img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/1e03edbe-fbe7-435a-8243-07271b086e18.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Foot Soldier Shield] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/77f5094e-7dc2-4325-9200-24679b77a725.jpg[/img] [/hider] The young dwarf tried to read the expression on the two fairies as he revealed what had been revealed to him not a day before. He did not know what he expected but he knew that carrying the secret was too much for him even if it meant breaking protocol and endangering his mission. But then again, what was his mission? All that had been revealed to him was his parentage and the need for him to meet with the Light Elven Princess Annya Olsen. He did not even know the contents of the letter that was in his hand. The young medic had obeyed fully like a true soldier. No questions asked. Why had he done that? Was the training all dwarves underwent so ingrained in his psyche that he could not help but follow the rules and regulations? Or had it been a way for him to conveniently fool himself that he had no choice? There was a sense of duty yes, but he could have performed that duty just as well doing the job he was trained to do instead of trying to take a crash course on being a royal prince. So why had he decided to take this mission? Was he trying to gain the respect and prove himself worthy to a father he never knew and a King who he had never met? If that was the case, then he was indeed a fool. It almost felt as if he had revealed his identity to the two winter fairies as a way to hear what they had to say. His lack of social interactions other than those required in the healing and saving of patients was becoming painfully obvious. The young would be prince could not have blamed Bowyn for his mistrust at his apparent duplicity. Right now, even Arn did not know who he was. Somehow the revelation of the blood that ran through is veins had disrupted the solid foundation that Thur had managed to build as his father. The roots that ran as deep as mountains now felt more brittle than dried clay. The young dwarf’s eyes reflected nothing but confusion and in small amounts, some sort of plea. The medic in him would have laughed however at any assumptions that he would stay far from the battle. He had not earned his nick name by being passive and letting other fight his battles. Death’s Thorn was a call sign he had earned by literally pulling a victim from death’s jaws. One would actually say he was recklessly and foolishly brave. Running head long into a barrage of enemy fire or where battle was the fiercest to save people. What the white haired lad got right however, was that Arn would not willingly enable or assist the fairy in any action that would cause death or harm, even if it was to the dark elves who had so willingly cut the neck of his step brother just a night ago. This stance had earned him much mistrust and ridicule amongst his own race, so it would not be so strange to received that from someone else. [color=00aeef]“Well, excuse me for not bowing, your majesty. I would’ve preferred you a flock of pixies.” [/color] A relieved chuckle began to escape Arn’s mouth as he thought hat Bowyn was being his usually irreverent self. He even managed to jokingly exclaim [color=0054a6]“No bow necessary Bowyn. I wish my secret was about a flock of pixies too…”[/color] he suddenly caught the look of distrust and judgment on his companion’s icy blue eyes. The brows on the young dwarf's face became furrowed in consternation. What was wrong? Why was Bowyn looking at him as if he was the enemy? The young medics brown eyes moved from the lad’s face to that of Rue’s hoping he did not find the same distrust in them. Had he been wrong in revealing the secret? He had hoped that coming clean would actually elicit trust from the two winter fairies but it seemed to have done just the opposite. Apparently, his judgment was terrible. Not a good sign for somebody that might be a ruler some day….if they all survived to see that day come to pass that is. [color=00aeef] “And after you find this elven princess, what are your plans then? Form an alliance and return home? What use do you have in mind for a couple of winter faery? A place within the dwarven army perhaps? Or maybe offer us up to the elf as a gift?”[/color] The bitterness in the questions of Bowyn fired at him stung like actual wounds. His mouth opened to defend himself to put his companions at ease but only managed to blubber a few unintelligible sounds. The young soldier blinked his eyes rapidly as if trying to focus his thoughts. Finally, he clasped his mouth close, took a deep breath with his eyes closed and then after a few breaths he opend his eyes and the calm Arn was back. [color=0054a6]“Bowyn, I truly apologize for having offended in you. It was not my intention. I revealed the information in a selfish desire to have others share the burden that it weighed in my heart. If you permit me to answer your questions. I think we all have vehemently established that I have no idea what I will say or do when I meet the princess. That is the quandary how we met. I hope that what is inside this letter can help with that.”[/color] He held up the letter that had been give to him and shrugged. [color=0054a6]“Perhaps that is a foolish faith to place on written word. I am afraid that returning home may not be an option though based on what I think many of us saw advertised on the sky alliances would not be out of the question.”[/color] The young medic took another long breath. He needed to quell the raging storm of emotions in his soul. He truly did not understand why Bowyn had felt so attacked at this revelation. Worse still, were the implications the last three questions posed. It implied that Arn had willingly deceived them for some nefarious end. As if still hearing the questions on his mind he shook his head. [color=0054a6]“There is nothing that I would require of you other than your company. That has not changed Bowyn. I know it is null to say this but you need not worry about any harm on my part.”[/color] The young dwarf shrugged. [color=0054a6]“Though I must honestly say that offering you as a gift had not even crossed my mind.”[/color] He stood up from the chair he had been sitting while detailing his secret. [color=0054a6]“If you feel that you are not able to trust me to continue travelling with me, I completely understand and will hence depart. This war will already have distrust and fear running rampant. I will not be the reason why two considerate fairies have to watch their back.”[/color] The young medic bowed slightly and turned to exit. His heart was heavy and he would be lying to himself it he did not admit that a rejection from the two winter fairies did not hurt him more than it should have. Why had he invested so much in this chance partnership? It was unfair of him to put such expectation on two fairies he had just met. There was something about the seemingly fate like encounter. It was folly after all. Perhaps he had hoped that he would not have to face the magnitude of his new heritage and the implication of doing what he could to not only safe guard his race but in some way help those that this war would harm, to include the two white haired travellers. And their little wolf too.