[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=#cdb7b5]Rose Buckner[/color][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdy8elkAAU1raa8wb.gif[/img] [hr] [I][color=#cdb7b5]Location:[/color] The Moors [color=#cdb7b5]Skills:[/color] [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Robin Hood was just as the stories portrayed him. Rose wondered how things worked in this world. To her knowledge, there weren't a lot of stories of Red Riding Hood, just the one. Were the actions of people here bleeding over into the world they had just left and becoming stories? Or were the stories that were written changing the reality here? Could some author think a person into being here? That was some weird metaphysical stuff Rose wasn't sure she wanted to think about. It was hard to tell though. Because some people fit the Disney story better. Or were like Tink and just didn't make any sense. Rose snickered as Cassi asked Robin Hood how good he really was at shooting an arrow. It was ever the competition between the pair of them so this was funny. Though now Rose would tease Cassi that she had a genetic advantage so Rose was clearly better by the work she had put into it rather than having her dad be Robin Hood. It was good to have a tour of the place though. She had an idea of how well built the place was from the one-room they had been held in while waiting. But seeing the rest helped her too. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=#bf85f2]Colby Jackson[/color][/h1] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/7b0413f440d949e2aa06a293c7bafb42/tenor.gif?itemid=9757139[/img] [hr] [I][color=#bf85f2]Location:[/color] Agrabah [color=#bf85f2]Skills:[/color][/I] [/center] [hr][hr] Colby was surprised when the cat essentially ignored him and bit Maddie, half starting to drag him off like he was some wayward lost kid. Colby snorted at the thought, they kind of were wayward children. [color=#bf85f2]"What were you going to say? That I shouldn't mess with strange animals or something?"[/color] Colby grinned and took both Tink and Maddie's help to get up on the wall. [color=#bf85f2]"What do you not normally follow random cats?"[/color] He asked Willow. It wouldn't be the first time he had followed a cat. The last time he had found out that she was a mommy cat and had rescued the lot of them. He had rehomed all the kittens and got the mom cat fixed and released. He wondered if there was a TNR program in this world. He slid off the wall and fell fast first. [color=#bf85f2]"Ouch."[/color] He stood up and dusted himself off taking notice that he had a few scapes and bruises now. He looked to the purple cat expectantly.