Name: Nena Hwun Appearance: [img],h_250,x_0,y_0,scl_0.103,q_70,strp/peace_by_guweiz_dbp0gqk-250t.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xMjQ3IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvOTBiMGNmNzgtMzM1Ni00M2IzLWE3YTItOGU2YmYwZTg1ZWYxXC9kYnAwZ3FrLTZmNTgwYmYzLWU4NTItNGM2ZS05MjFiLTY2ZDExZDFlMDJiNi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.SgRJRIu0DmaxDezzEEHOBPFCVDmR-Jfs0fz6lBgWWOY[/img] Age: 24 Gender: Female Description: [list] [*] Height - 5'4 [*] Weight - 108 lbs [*] Skin Colour - White [*] Hair Colour - Black (short) [*] Eye Colour - Dark Blue [*] Build - Skinny [/list] Magic Type: Mana Role: Caster Specialty: Atmokinesis (Weather Manipulation) Personality: [list] [*]Laidback [*]Friendly [*]Irreverent [*]Values freedom [*]Motivated by money [*]Complete disregard for social class and status [/list] Background: Born to a group of nomadic wanderers, Nena spent much of her childhood roaming across the skies with her parents on the back of a roc, never lingering in any one place for long. They shunned the trappings of civilization for all its stifling rules and illusions of safety. With nations having the tendency of going to war against one other, the last one being the cause of the world's current state, it seemed an obvious choice to take to the wilderness of the open sky, living off untamed lands far away from any walls and cities. It was a dangerous life, fraught with close encounters from marauding pirates and predatory beasts such as griffins and dragons. Most dangerous of all however was the capricious nature of Gaia herself. One never knew if they would be caught within the teeth of a sudden storm or a hail of debris from above. Whatever the risks though, the nomads were at least free and they had Nena, the only mage among their group, to protect them. This however place a heavy burden on the child, one she steadily grew to resent over time. Being entirely self taught, Nena had always felt under pressure to master her power for the sake of her kin and there was not a single day that went by when she wasn't practicing or experimenting with different techniques. For all her parents and fellow nomads touted the freedom of their adventurous ways, Nena could only ever focus on protecting them from the many dangers they faced. It seemed however that the more she developed her skills, the more risks they were willing to take, and the more Nena would have to struggle with keeping them out of trouble. A frustrating situation to say the least. Moreover, Nena had never seen with her own eyes the cities she had been taught to avoid, so a part of her was always curious to see what they looked like. That curiosity became a hunger when at the age of 18, Nena saw a mist tanker airship for the first time. It was far larger than any beast or pirate vessel she had ever seen, and far more beautiful to look upon than a bunch of rocks and clouds. On that day she resolved to find out where it came from, so at the very first opportunity when everyone was asleep, Nena took her family's Roc, Petra, out into the open sky and followed in the general direction of the mist tanker, leaving only a note behind. It took only a few days of travel to come across a port town within the kingdom of Belisio and when Nena explored the streets of that town, she felt a joy she had never known before. The sights, the sounds and all the people around, more than she had ever seen in her entire life. This to her was true freedom and so she has lived in Belisio ever since doing whatever her heart desires, including working aboard the very mist tanker airship that inspired her to do so. When the warships of the Vaimese Empire took to the skies and the kingdom sounded the call to arms, Nena offered her services in exchange for an airship and crew of her own as well as a considerable sum of money. Money she could use to start her very own mist harvesting company. Abilities: [list] [*]Cloud Control - Gather clouds to conceal movement or disperse them to clear visibility in the sky. [*]Cold Snap - Rapidly lower the temperature of the air to below freezing within a large area of effect. [*]Precipitation - Cause rain to fall where clouds are present. Can be combined with Cold Snap to form hail. [*]Hail Barrage - Form balls of ice in the air and shoot them like bullets. [*]Whirlwind - Knock enemies off their feet with a strong blast of wind. [/list] Extra: Has a roc companion named Petra. [youtube][/youtube]