Liam followed his Corvisquire on the ground. When Corvisquire found one of them, the one who had the pants from the gi and squawked at it as the Slowpoke began to run back to the dojo. The Slowpoke was chased right into Liam's arms. who managed to grab onto it and hold it tight. "Found one!" Avery called out from behind Liam having made it through the now cleared jam. "Hand over the Slowpoke!" Avery ordered. "Why? Master Mustard [i]only[/i] said for us to retrieve the Slowpoke, He didn't say you would be rewarded for bringing any of them back. Avery got upset and called out an Abra. "I guess we're doing this, huh?" Liam said as he got the slowpoke to climb onto his back so he could carry it piggyback. "Balin!" Liam called out his Sirfetch'd. "I thought you were a regional champion, why send out a fighting-type against my Psychic type?" Avery sneered. "I guess everyone in your region is an idi-" Avery was cut off By Liam calling for Night Slash, which landed a critical hit and one-shot the Psychic type, leaving Avery dumbfounded. "Now, step aside." Liam said as he pushed past Avery while carrying the Slowpoke and Balin running behind him while Corvisquire flew overhead, Liam made it back to the dojo and presented one Slowpoke to Mustard, who was quite pleased.