As soon as her face was freed, Flora began to gulp in air a little more quickly, possibly because she was regaining her strength and breathing more easily, or possibly because she had found it more difficult due to the valley she had found herself briefly trapped in. Having missed what occurred with the dead body, she was quite confused at the sight of this new older in ill-fitting armor for a few moments. "... Are you one of the others...?" she murmured, just barely audible as she remained some distance slightly behind the deities who had paid her the most attention. Realizing she apparently had something to do with Alasayana's tails, she glanced towards the goddess(who was surprising not much bigger then she was) and took a slow step towards her, before hesitating slightly and looking around once again. "... Where's Sir Oren...?" With all attention now focused else where, the soldier with the pierced ankle had fallen silent. Almost too silent... ... as he began to drag himself towards the nearest tube-like weapon, one of the ones filled with explosives, taking advantage of the distraction. [@Martian][@Raineh Daze][@Click This][@Rune_Alchemist][@Renny][@Pyromania99]