[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210717/b7c1e93349b0b57329ad60bf58583c92.png[/img][/center] [Color=tan]Time:[/color] Evening [Color=tan]Location:[/color] On the road from Roshmi CIty to Myriamor [Color=tan]Interactions:[/color] Kuroi [@hide on mana], Mika [@Tae] [Color=tan]Mentions:[/color] [Hider=Equipment:] Pocket watch Black stetson Hunting knife Rope Hefty Bag of Holding Black neckerchief Tinder box Canteen Matches Two Gold nuggets $40 [/hider][hr] To Slick’s surprise, Sivaros had stopped the group to inform them of his decision to part ways. He had only wanted to ensure Mika would be safe and he felt the princess had that in the talented fighter, Kuroi Usagi. He felt even more confident when they had all safely landed in Myriamor. The location seemed to have been unaffected by the war being waged between the Sun Elf and Malthemoor Kingdoms and Mika would soon meet with Princess Rosaria that added more protection. With his combat skills better suited elsewhere, he gave the group his farewell and re-entered the Amora. Slick simply let out a deep sigh and a few nods as he watched the amora doors shut, but once Sivaros was out of sight, he shrugged nonchalantly and faced Mika, the leader of their group. She recommended he get a change of clothes to fit in with other Avalian’s which only made him chuckle due to the odd things he had seen on people so far. His eyes set on Kuroi’s attire with scrutiny before his gaze returned to Mika who expressed her insistence without having to utter another word. [color=tan][i]Who would I be if I turned down this doll of a princess?[/i][/color] He briefly side-eyed Kuroi’s kimono. [color=tan]“Alrighty then, let’s go to this [i]Odds and Ends[/i] merchant. But I swear to almighty god that I ain’t wearin’ a get-up like [i]his[/i]… No offense.”[/color] He remembered he needed these two to get around for the time being, so playing noise was key. His chances of survival in Avalia were significantly lower without their knowledge and support. Many things felt the same as where he came from. Some aspects were more advanced while others were outdated by his standard. As the three walked through Myriamor, he paid more attention to the people than the infrastructure he passed. The animal people made his right eye twitch depending on how extreme their appearances were. The elves and dwarves were an easy sight to take in. The man had seen all manner of deformities in his life, so the ears and short stature were easy to look past. Orcs were monstrous, but thank goodness there weren’t many of those around. And lastly were the fairies, they were easy on the eyes with their pretty wings and hair color variety. Once the trio ventured to the Odds and Ends stall, Slick looked over the wares critically, before his eyebrows raised and a smile crept onto his face. [color=tan]“Well I’ll be damned. They got themselves a good selection.”[/color] He pointed at the [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/21f1e1e3d737953a7eb5c90eaed2eb5a/09205ac0ff7c20ac-38/s1280x1920/4c19d54eed512d8aa48cc7ebcd6bab9b6ea3ccca.jpg]hat and cowl[/url] which seemed to be a good one to one trade for the stetson on his head, but the cowl would hide his ‘non-pointed’ ears and shade his neck from the beating sun. The [url=https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/32fc35f4-5bb2-41ea-8130-6b6dfcf10977_1.29bf947df930719d0694bfa28362d188.jpeg?odnHeight=612&odnWidth=612&odnBg=FFFFFF]scarf[/url] was nice, but his black neckerchief would serve the same purpose without having to spend anything. Next, his eyes looked over the outfits. Slick ogled the female outfits a little more than he probably should have as he imagined a certain someone wearing the more revealing garments on display. [color=tan]“Mika, I really think you would look quite lovely in that one there. It’s probably swelterin’ out here in what you got on.”[/color] He pointed at the [url=https://imgur.com/1uXBulS]white outfit[/url] on display. He then moved to pick out the [url=https://imgur.com/2ip8Ivk]black outfit[/url] he felt best suited himself. It was a little different than what he was used to, but he’d make it work. As he picked it out he noticed a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f0/b9/61/f0b961001c773e1fe99ef4b0bded19a0.jpg]looser outfit[/url]. He pointed at Kuroi and at the outfit at the same time while nodding with a big ol’ grin, assuming it was the vulpine’s style for sure. On his way to the counter he grabbed the saddle bag on display. [color=tan]“Now I’m set. Hat, clothes, and a bag for some of the stuff I’m barely holding onto right now.”[/color] His eyes rested on the critters in their respective cages, more specifically the rabbit with the horn poking out of his head. [color=tan][i]To think... that ain’t even the weirdest thing I’ve seen today.[/i][/color] [b]Purchases by Mikazuki: 90 amas (10 hat, 20 bag, 60 male outfit)[/b]