“You drink more, I think I’ve already had enough.” Elissa said, sitting back down beside him. Her head was still spinning and she wasn’t sure if it was from the drink, the dancing, or just being with Joseph. “You still have to show me how you dance. I held up my end of the deal and taught you how I dance.” She smiled over at him. Elissa had a feeling she knew how he danced. She looked to Adam and smiled. “He didn’t tear the stitches.” “Good.” Adam said before taking a drink. He looked to Joseph. “If you had you’d be needing stitches of your own. Speaking of stitches, Rat refused any treatment. He said since I helped the girl I was a traitor and he wouldn’t let me tend to him. I don’t think his injuries are serious. His nose looked broken but honestly I think that is an improvement.” He chuckled taking another drink. “We have weaker drink available if you’d prefer it, Ms. Bishop.” He offered to Elissa. “If it’s what Joseph brought me earlier I don’t want it. Thank you.” She said trying to sound polite.