[center] [h1][center][color=crimson]Lorelai De Windt[/color][/center][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] That Seirin joined the students at their inn was a gift Lorelai wasn't going to question, simply writing it off as those in charge recognizing their achievement in saving Seirin in the first place when their forces could hardly slow down Shinzou before he'd taken their castle from them. And if let her fulfill an age old dream of snuggling a little sister to chest, the warmth of Seirin's form warm and solid against her to persistently affirm their victory that night. And if Lorelai was between Seirin and the window ensuring any opportunistic assassin had to literally go through her, then all the better. Hopeful and victorious? Yes. Callously disregarding their enemies seemed to be multiplying and escaping? Not a chance. That didn't keep Lorelai from enjoying a restful night's sleep, a golden bell clutched in hand radiating it's rejuvenating power over the cuddle pile through what remained of the night.[hr] Being one who could hardly stand being cooped up inside for classes, Lorelai hadn't any overt attraction to video games. TVs where nice when she'd ground her legs to jelly and hadn't the energy to move nor the inclination to sleep, but spending hours at it? Not likely. Yet the mecha of lights and sounds and [i]energy[/i] that was Namco had her wishing her home had such an arcade, her attention caught by a myriad of chimes and whistles as every machine clamored to try and claim her coins. Otis provided a plan of attack. It lasted longer then five minutes before the clawed bandits had robbed the lot of them and they moved on to more engaging games. Dancing, somehow, had become a game. The reasoning behind that escaped Lorelai considering it seemed odd to dance beside a partner rather then facing them, but she couldn't deny that going head to head against Otis was rather fun. For someone who looked ready to slip into a coma from a lack of sleep that was likely more then just a single missed night of sleep, he still managed to get ahead of her score with a familiarity and flair to his steps. The warmth she'd clung to in the night returned ten fold as they had crammed themselves into a photobooth, a crush of elbows and knees and so much hair it was a wonder no wonder sneezed from all the follicle tickling. It was silly, an invigorating rush of simply basking in one another's presence and trying to create the most interesting memories for the strips of photo paper to emblaze on their surface. And thanks to losing her balance, one of those pictures would be of her face planted in Lady's chest. Her ears burned incandesant for quite some time after [i]that.[/i] After that she'd pointed out an older light gun shooter cabinet, Time Crisis 3 emblazoned amidst bright colors, and nudged the Strigidea and Seirin towards it for some light hearted bonding while she dragged the big lug Aurelious towards some VR experience called Beat Saber. Swords weren't her preferred experience but the flailing amidst a catchy tune alongside the hulking warrior made for an experience she wouldn't soon forget.