[hr][hr][center][b][h3][color=#a81a75]Runa Johansson[/color][/h3][/b][img]https://i.postimg.cc/7YrrpX7R/moodboard-Runa.png[/img][hr][b][color=#a81a75]Location:[/color][/b] Hotel Valhalla [b][color=#a81a75]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] Everyone had tried in different ways to help Runa calm down with varying degrees of success. It was probably for the best that Astrid wasn't the one helping her out - she was already freaked out enough, she didn't need her crush helping her through a panic attack, she'd probably just panic more. Dalisay's words weren't reassuring at all, largely because of that salient [i]usually[/i]. [i]Usually[/i] people came back from the dead in this hotel. [i]Usually[/i] wasn't happening anymore. Runa was trying her best to keep her breathing even, as much as her lungs felt like she was running a marathon while being chased by a pack of werewolves. Squeezing Arnora's hand helped ever so slightly. Thinking about how at any second the elevator could drop and plummet to the first floor did [i]not[/i]. She shrieked slightly as Dalisay crashed onto the floor of the elevator, proclaiming that the hatch was open. They were all doomed. They were all going to die - [i]again[/i].