Matias's face almost met the ground when he was pulled out. He whipped around to try and get a hit on Dante, but before he knew it his back screamed in pain as it made hard contact with the speeder's steel body. With a deep snarl, his gaze bravely met Dante's. While his couldn't glow, there was definitely a fire in them that burned any ounce of patience he had left. Yet he listened closely, just as told. His eyes only unlocked from Dante's when he showed off his scarring, but only for that moment. When Dante finished, Matias didn't move from his position. His teeth were clenched behind his lips, and his fists were tightened until his knuckles were bone white. He would have made a perfect statue representing deep, pent up rage if he didn't turn around. "So," he puffed, "don't think I belong here, ah? Just because I'm soooo meeeeaaan... Well, suck it. I have a damn right to be upset when you make it clear that you care more about your self image than your teammate. As for why I'm here..." He dug in his pocket, quickly retrieved the folded note, and stuck it out for Dante to see. "Because, apparently, someone [i]really[/i] wants me to be here! I wouldn't have even known about you if this weirdo wasn't leaving these cryptic notes all over my damn house. As much as I care about what's going on– unlike you– maybe I would have been better off leading my own movement." He stuck the note back in his pocket, then pointed a shaky, evil finger at Dante. "Know what? Since you apparently can't stand me, go with someone else to that stupid meeting. Or, better yet, go by yourself. Either way, it's better for my mental health." He stepped a good five feet from the speeder before turning back around. Any closer, and he felt like he would fall risk to a hit-and-run. "Go on. Decide."