Hello guys! I'm going to reboot this RP most likely, or at least restart recruiting. I was forced into hiatus because of.. a ton of family shit, but I'm back now after my short break and I'm really tryna get my RP on! So, let us address these few thing and then decide how to continue after that? [quote=@Martian] So I posted Hakon in the character tab. I added his age, and fixed the spelling of Knowhere. Also it would be interesting to see Hakon’s Asgardian magic work with Warren’s greek. Also I am down for Warren being a rival to Hakon because of their shared divine heritage. I always found the conflict between the gods of Asgard and those of Olympus really interesting in Marvel comics. [/quote] Lovely! Yes I'd certainly love a rival, perhaps maybe even a power struggle for control of Ominous at one point? Haha, Idk but some ideas to play around with! And then addressing one of [@Sanity43217] concerns I will below, I may make Warren/NewGuy into a Demigod, and have Doom's son be my secondary character or just one I utilize in the RP as a possible rival faction leader or contact, something. [quote=@Sanity43217] Alright, I’m a little confused. Mainly regarding how so many powerful people can just be in New York, without any real justification or complications. I mean surely the Son of Victor Von Doom would remain in Latveria, and surely the ego of Doom wouldn’t let him create a son that could surpass him, without some mind control fail safe or something similar. Also, surely a galactic criminal on earth would garner unwanted attention from galactic forces once they become known. I feel this is going to just be exhausting, since people of that power level don’t really have a double life, so would constantly be hunted down. I think New York City is too small a setting for the types of characters that are being thrown around. [/quote] Yes, NYC is essentially just the meeting ground and a possible resource & mission pool for Ominous, we'd be travelling all over and establishing new FOB's (Forward Operating Bases), Connections, Resources, Land, and virtually anything else you could imagine you'd need in a war effort, because ultimately that's what this will become. A story where the bad guys finally fucking kick ass and fuck some shit up! As for Warren, yes I had some kind of 'fail-safe" plan built-in for Warren, I know Victor's egotistical ways would never allow that, but it was ultimately a play in Victor's favor to develop Warren the way he did. I think I'll stick with the Gene-code packages if I keep Warren as Doom Jr though, and have the Demigod character as my possible main. Though, I must say that Warren's goal is to build an empire for himself, not to ever live in his father's shadow. He also understands that his father most likely did build some kind of fail-safe, and taking these thing into consideration give Warren a large reason to leave Latveria. [quote=@Martian] [@Sanity43217] I know I’m not the GM, but I would like to offer my ideas on your question. The way I understand it, New York is merely the starting point, and we would expand out wards as our power grows. As we are at supposed to fight the Avengers at some point, it seems to fit that our characters are on a higher power level. As for how notorious our characters would be in New York, it seems like we are supposed to be early on in our careers, at least on Earth as my character operated in Space. As for why Galactic governments aren’t going after Hakon is because of something I forgot to put in his character sheet. Basically during the chaos of the Snap, Hakon changed Nova Corps records to say he was on Asgard when it was destroyed and is officially dead. He then hid on Earth where he did nothing to draw attention to himself. He would of only returned to crime around the start of the RP. So he is basically an unknown, at least on Earth, meaning he could still live his civilian life as Harry Wills. I hope these random ramblings from my brain helped explain the setting, as far as I understand it. [/quote] This is all pretty much spot on. Much good.