Joseph required little, if no encouragement from Elissa to drink more; once he started, the night was sure to go only one way - with a serious headache tomorrow, it was nice to have permission of sorts though. “I’ll show you how I dance” Joseph affirmed with a broad grin, fixing his eyes on Elissa before he leaned in closer to her but only to better hear what the surgeon had to say, “ffs…I think his pride was hurt more than anything else” the Captain gave a deep laugh along side Adam, he sat back to his previous position. Rhea could see Joseph observing Elissa with an intense gaze whilst she spoke with the surgeon, she knew this look well, it was the look he used to give her. [i]She’d have to do something..[/i] Rhea arose from her seat and made her way to the other side of the table, she stood behind Joseph and slipped her hands over his shoulders and down his chest so that her elbows rested on his shoulders, she spoke quietly in his ear farthest from Elissa and he turned his head to listen; Rhea’s curls brushed his face. Even in his drunken state, his heart seemed to drop down to his stomach and into his throat simultaneously, and it felt like it beat even harder to have her so close, to have her voice in his ear. She pulled back and gently pinched the back of his neck as she turned to leave, Joseph almost clambered over himself twisting as he bolted from the chair, “Rhea!” he swiped to grab some part of her but she was out of reach, he gave Elissa a glance before he followed after her, she led him above deck. Rhea wasn’t entirely sure what she was going to do from here, she’d tried to warn him earlier, which didn’t seem to be quite as effective as she’d hoped, and she wasn’t quite prepared to be [i]with[/i] Joseph, either. She should have predicted dangling Elissa whilst he drank was a bad idea, she didn’t bet on him giving her that look though, and damn the girl was too good at being cute and stoking his ego.. if she’d been contained in her room cold and alone however, that would give him ever the more reason to ‘rescue’ her. The sun was setting which cast an evening half-light about the ship. Joseph caught up to Rhea, and they backed into the shade of the overhang above the doors to the Captain’s quarters - it was not a conversation they wanted to have in the view of any crew that may have been lingering above deck. “What was that?” he questioned, he sort of grinned and frowned, he’d really had a lot to drink and was finding her signals a little confusing.. [i]he was going to try[/i], he moved in to kiss her but she pushed him back with her palms, “you’re really drunk Joseph” Rhea began, “I think you should go sleep it off” she said gently. [i]Rhea was usually right[/i], Joseph considered, at least he was used to embarrassing himself with her..