[@Lucky] Let's go by these questions one by one: [quote=Lucky] 1. Legendary Defenders sounds like it has PvE elements, such as the defending against an alien invasion thing. I imagine as an MMORPG it has raids, dungeons, open world questing, etc. [b]Is there a scene for raiders or dungeon speed runners, even if significantly smaller, like their PvP counterpart?[/b] [/quote] Because of a certain plot reason that I will not reveal yet for the sake of not spoiling it, there will not be PvE focused group. However, there could be training areas to hone the abilities and test them out which could involve PvE elements, like dummy enemies or depending on the difficulty level some more stronger AI. It's supposed to be just training though, yet I do kind of expect each character coming this far to have a good knowledge about both the PvE and PvP elements of Legendary Defenders. [quote=Lucky]2. [b]How would mechanics of the MMORPG translate into the PvE?[/b] Most MMOs out there are notorious for having dozens of keybinds, but the PvP section reads much like most MOBAs in terms of skills (3 active abilities and 1 ultimate, along with one passive). [/quote] Although EPIC borrows mechanics from Legendary Defenders, it's not just a complete IRL version of LD. This means LD itself has many more abilities rather than the MOBA-like 5. That being said, the reason I only gave 5 abilities is not only to keep track of them, but also to limit the special moves you can use besides the already enhanced normal moves like kicking and punching. Remember that because EPIC is less limited by coding than LD, the options for how abilities are used and chained are almost limitless. [quote=Lucky]3a. [b]What year does this take place? Modern or near future?[/b] 3b. [b]What year did Legendary Defenders release?[/b][/quote] It is a modern idea, so imagine it could happen today and minus a certain outbreak of a recent times it had similar events as our world. For the sake of clarity let's say the game is about 10 years old and gained world-wide recognisition. All characters would be from the same area though considering they need to be able to directly interact. [quote=Lucky]4. [b]If the game has been out long enough for there to be such a big e-sports scene, is it possible to make past years' champions?[/b][/quote] Yes you can! I've been toying with this idea myself, and as long as they aren't big in e-sports anymore, it should be fine. [quote=Lucky]5a. [b]Are all the PvP elements in Legendary Defenders solo or are there team elements such as 2v2, 3v3, etc.?[/b] 5b. [b]Are all the events in the underground fighting ring solo or is there potential for team events?[/b][/quote] On both answers I can say there are team elements/events. Although solo is an option, there will be team elements and the tournament could be anything ranging from 1v1 to a 5v5 to a mass 10v10 to a FFA and anything in between, which will be anounced later in the story. [quote=Lucky]6. [b]Are we, the writers, going to use any kind of stat/attribute/modifier system and/or dice rolling?[/b][/quote] This is something I'm actually still thinking about how to do exactly. I will make a stat system to make it able to have tanky, more mobile, hard hitting, etc fighting characters, but I still need to work out the details on that one. Besides that, I don't like to go dice rolling over forums, so the stats are mostly just going to be guidelines and the PvP fights will have to be agreed upon who wins.