[b]MIKA CHAMBERS[/b] While she did agree that a school kid seemed to be a bit young for this sort of witchcraft, she did think it wouldn't be craziest thing they've ever come across in their careers of being hunters. "She does yeah, but can we really afford to rule it out?" she countered as they got to the impala and he put the hex bag on the hood, and she gave more suggestions for the regroup. At the request to take photos of the contents of the hex bag, she pulled out her phone and did exactly what he wanted, holding her phone above the open bag and snapping a couple of photos to make sure they got a decent in focus one. "Good idea, if anyone can figure out what is in here, it's our boy Sammy" she replied to him. Finishing up with the photos, she put her phone in her pocket after sending the photos to Sam so he had copies, gesturing that he can now burn the contents and the fabric. "Just this whole case is confusing me if I'm honest, but I'm hoping now we've made the connection to the babysitter and the school girl we might actually get a win on this" she admitted to him. She also truly hated that witches were involved in this case, yet if she truly thought about it, she should have guessed it could have been witches, if it was to do with a rising of some big bad. "I just hope the others got somewhere with the school" she added, opening the passenger side door as she waited for Dean to finish with the burning of the hex bag. The contents as they nearly always did, unnerved her. She had seen some strange things in bags, but there was just something about the contents of this one that really didn't sit well with her. The bones inside were so small and she hoped Sam or someone in their group would be able to figure what bones they were. [b]SAM AND NATALIA WINCHESTER[/b] Sam looked at Annabeth as she started theorising out loud to him, a small smile appearing on his lips because of it as to him, she was sounding so much like one of them and she probably didn't even realise it. It seemed as Natalia looked at the two of them, she was thinking the same thing as Nat smiled briefly herself at the whole chat happening. "It's possible alright, one thing I've learned in all the years I've been doing this, is never dismiss anything" Sam replied to her. "He seemed sketchy as hell to me personally. There's no way Don doesn't know what is being burned in those furnaces. Those things have to attended and watched over whilst being used incase a student causes an incident and blows the room up. Question is, why hasn't Don cleared the furnace out" Natalia chimed in with her own thoughts. "you both got points, it does feel like we only have half the story and evidence right now and that's frustrating" Sam agreed with the two girls. It was then he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, making him pull it out and open it up to the photos from Mika. "Seems Dean and Mika found a hex bag at the widow's place, with very similar bones in it to what we found" he explained to the two of them. "I guess it's time to head back to the motel and share what we all found" Natalia suggested.