The Captain and the sailing-master stood with silence between them for a few moments, Joseph let out a deep sigh through his nose, he had his hands on his hips, Rhea leaned against the wood her arms now folded across her chest, “I don’t think you pulled me away because I’m drunk” he finally stated, his heart was still beating fast, he found he wanted to look away away and did so, he brushed a hand through his hair, [i]he’d been having a great time earlier, too[/i]. [i]Elissa[/i].. his hazy mind did not quite fully consider she’d be particularly upset, but he did want to return to her. Rhea maintained her silence and typical poker face. Joseph raised his eyebrows and shook his head, he made a move to leave, stumbling back a couple of paces to make some distance he lost his balance only a little, Rhea could tell he was going to return below deck, “she goes when we get to France” she instructed coldly, Joseph looked at her and nodded thoughtfully before walking away. “What ‘er?” Peter looked confounded at Adam’s request, he was no babysitter, well, lady-sitter, whatever, and as much as he respected the surgeon, he weren’t the Captain. It was a request right enough, but he was having far too much fun drinking and carrying-on to be sitting all night with the drunken lass. He was about to suggest perhaps the surgeon takes the duty upon himself when Joseph appeared, placing a hand on the surgeon’s shoulder, “Adam my friend, where is Elissa?” he questioned, Adam helpfully explained the situation. Joseph collected his pistol and coat and with a final swig of the scotch made his way through the ship to Elissa’s cabin. Hell he’d forgotten how cold these parts of the ship could get, especially after a few drinks when the initial surge of warmth had worn off and your blood felt chilled, the crew’s quarters were kept marginally warmer by sheer numbers of bodies, and generally keeping off the floor when you slept if you could. Elissa’s cabin was lit only by one carefully suspended lantern, which cast a dim flickering light which allowed for plenty of dark spots and shadows. The door had been left ajar, Joseph cleared his throat and knocked gently, “uhh …Elissa?” he called quietly to no response, the lapping of the sea and creaking of the ship was all he could hear, he peered around the door and let himself in. He could see her laying on the bed, seemingly very fast asleep, the low light seemed to bounce off of the bright pigments of Elissa’s hair. [i]That scotch really was too strong for her..[/i] “Elissa” he seemed to hiss in a whisper, but he gathered it would not be sufficient to rouse her. Perhaps it was better not to wake her? Joseph pulled a face which expressed his predicament, this was [i]way[/i] too much thinking .. it was cold in here. He couldn’t carry her back to his quarters, not a chance, he could barely carry himself here. He placed his pistol on a table and made his way over to the other side of the bed, he looked her over for a moment before joining her, wrapping an arm around her waist as he brought himself close, he drew his heavy coat over the both of them. The ring and chain around his neck slipped into view from within his shirt. The room spun as Joseph lay down, spinning and spinning - he tried not to think about it, he took in the smell of Elissa’s perfume which distracted him, he shortly after succumbed to sleep.