[i]Urghhhhhh[/i].. the spinning had stopped, but the overwhelming thirst and hunger was unpleasant, although he wasn’t sure he could eat. He was fairly immune to a good drink, but the dehydration had caught up with him. Joseph groaned to express his discomfort, he tried to moisten his mouth and swallowed hard, he hadn’t yet opened his eyes - he figured he was in his room, but yet that didn’t quite make sense, he could feel a warmth emanating from beside him, Rhea? No it couldn’t be Rhea. Where was he? His mind scrambled to make sense of his situation and he opened an eye and then the other to bring the figure beside him into focus. [i]Oh…yeah.[/i] He examined Elissa’s face for a few moments, he let out a deep sigh - he didn’t quite want to move. No he’d better move, what if she woke up and was upset he’d joined her? Well, he’d helped her survive the night in any case, and it had been a fairly pleasant sleep for him - he always slept better being with someone, though he didn’t tell Rhea that lest he damage his reputation. He became aware of Elissa gripping the ring, his heart skipped - had she seen it or was it just some kind of reflex? He moved his arms slowly as not to disturb her, and began gently trying to prise the item from her grasp.