Elissa woke when Joseph began to move. “Is it morning?” She muttered softly. Elissa slowly opened her eyes and smiled up at him. She didn’t seem mad that he was there, in fact she was grateful he had been there. Elissa was about to say more when the nausea hit her. She rolled over to the side of the bed and threw up. “I told you that stuff was too strong.” She muttered. Slowly she sat up holding her head. “You lied to me about the ring. Why?” Elissa wanted to confront him about it before he found an excuse to leave before she could mention it. She had questions to ask him, but the ring seemed the most important at the time. “Why did you lie? What good did it do you?” She still felt like she could throw up again and her head was throbbing. She needed fresh air and something to drink, not alcohol. Food sounded horrible. Elissa moved to sit on the edge of the bed. She had to remind herself that Joseph was there. The dark was starting to close in on her, the lantern had burned out sometime in the night. “When did you come here last night?” She wondered what had made him come and find her. Part of her was glad he was there but part of her felt that it was going to cause more problems with Rhea. “Rhea won’t like you here.” She felt she was staring the obvious. She stood, wobbled slightly, and sat back down. Slowly she turned to face him, wondering what excuses and what lies he would give her now. All the trust she had in him was slowly breaking. He wasn’t the same as who she had grown up with, he was different now, he was a pirate. She began to doubt that he’d every remember her. “Tell me what is going to happen to me.” It was a demand and yet her voice was not demanding. It was the voice of someone who was tired of trying, tired of fighting. It was the voice of someone who realized they’d lost everything.