[center][hider=Frelayne Ildered] Player Name: [@Fading Memory], Fading Memory, alternatively 'Phoenix'. [b]Character Name[/b] "Frelayne Ildered." Formerly:Lady Gynabeth Nytvanne, minor noblesse of Glenumbra and heiress to the Nytvanne Estate. [b]Race[/b] A Breton, hailing from the Kingdom of Daggerfall, Imperial province of High Rock. [b]Age[/b] Twenty Four [b]Sex[/b] Female [b]Physical Description[/b] Frelayne presents a distinctive visage. Her uniform is well kept, meticulously maintained and clean, and she keeps herself in just as pristine a condition whenever possible. Her dedication to cleanliness and manicure can be witnessed even in her eating habits; a kerchief is kept close at hand and she practices a disdain for fussy eating. There are oft times where mess cannot be avoided and she does not seem troubled by these times- she is an Imperial Legion Mage after all, it is to be expected- but it is when circumstances wherein the wielding of caution could have avoided a mess arise that cause her frustrations to fly. Moving on in short order, the first thing many people note about Frelayne is her height. She rises to a rather impressive stature, for a Breton, of 5'10"- a height that is wielded fully by a perfected posture. Where in some such height would lead to gangling or lanky demeanor, Frelayne appears to have filled her frame well and instead is possessed by a measure of grace and comeliness well suited to the social environs she used to operate within. That is to say, she is by no means the most beautiful of women. She cleans up exceptionally well, and certainly knows how to wield her charms when the need arises, but these days the wear and tear of a life on the move and an enlistment into the Imperial Legions has, perhaps, hewn away the softer edges of a life in Bretony Courts and gentle politicking in favor of a more reserved and demure woman. Thick hair that, frankly, seems like it would be a chore to maintain seems to be her quiet pride- it the primary focus of all her meticulous ministrations and something she seems to keep an intense focus on maintaining. Her eyes are a striking grey color, underlying hazel tones granting an almost golden-brown coloration to them in certain light. Her hands and body bear callouses and blisters- signs of hard work, but only recently gained- and while she was capable of keeping pace in the Enlistment and Training to join the Legion she lacks the overt musculature and tone of a practiced martial warrior. [hider=Inspirational Image] [img]https://i.servimg.com/u/f73/16/77/80/76/frelay10.jpg[/img] Source: https://www.deviantart.com/arnaerr/art/Damaris-Corbray-703040822 [/hider] Faith: Devout of Magnus and the Magne Ge, accepting of the Eight Divines and the Bretony Pantheon. Talos is a sore spot; he is NOT one of the Divines, but it is unmistakable that the cult of Talos has grown and that the figure represents a just ideal for all, and a great pride for the Empire. This means she respects those who choose to worship him, but she herself does not beyond the minimal offering of recognition and respect. To state it in a hierarchy, her faith is focused on the Magne Ge and, indeed, Magnus himself above all others, with the Eight Divines being on the forefront due to societal importance in an Imperial Province, then the Meri deities common of her ancestry, and Talos being accepted. The contentions over the reinstatement of Talos trouble her, but she is patriotic in ideal and the Empire has officially welcomed Talos back. The Eight and One arise anew and she will defend people's legal right to worship. [b]Position - Mage[/b] Frelayne is a Mage. A rather well trained one, indeed, who owes her particular education in magical application to the extensive tutoring received in the [i]Nytvanne Estate[/i] in her youth, which coupled well with a natural knack for handling Magicka. Further experimentation and study while travelling has refined her magical abilities. [b]Magic[/b] Her unique talents lie in the arts of Alteration and Illusion, though her travels have instilled within her an appreciation of Destruction magics as well. [i]Approximate skill level in the magical arts Alteration - Adept Illusion - Adept Destruction - Apprentice [Favors Shock magic] Else: Negligible practical capability, novice conceptual understanding [/i] Specific Spells Known [1 Adept, 1 Apprentice, 3 Novice] Alteration - Telekinesis [Adept], Equilibrium [Novice] Illusion - Fear [Apprentice], Clairvoyance [Novice] Destruction - Sparks [Novice] [b]Core[/b] [list] [*]Young Noble Woman of the Kingdom of Daggerfall, well educated in the ways of Magic and the Court, who accidentally killed a young nobleman who was tormenting her after a spurned courtship visit from a neighboring realm. Seeking to cause as little harm to her family as possible, she fled from Daggerfall and changed her name. [*]Now living on the road as "Frelayne Ildered", the woman had to struggle with the harsher realities of the Bretony Peasantry. Life was not as glamorous and bright at the bottom of High Rock's social strata, and she had to pick up several hard-knock lessons while on the run. A new appreciation for Destruction magics bloomed at this stage of her life out of sheer necessity, and dedicating herself to advancing her study of it consumed a vast majority of her resources and temporarily plateaued her rising mastery of Illusion and Alteration magics. [*]Soon lacking in funds or safe havens, Frelayne was forced to seek alternatives to life in High Rock. She travelled for some time, visiting Cyrodiil and the center of the Empire. She never stayed in one place for long- which created a longing for somewhere to belong, a place to call her own. She missed having a family, friends. She missed having purpose. Survival was not enough. [*]She enlisted into the Imperial Legions, the rising war effort calling to the patriotic hearth that burned in her heart, as a mage. She is enthusiastic, if afraid, of this decision; war is a terrifying thing, the scale of this conflict beyond most people's understanding, and the repercussions of it will have infinitely long reaching consequences. She just hopes to try and protect the memories she has of quiet days and peaceful learning. [/list] [hider=Misc.] I am [i]not[/i] the most well versed in Elder Scrolls lore. I pretty much never played Skyrim beyond the beginning of the game, my time with Oblivion was so long ago that it's all fuzzy memory, and I spent far...far......far too much time with the game 'Daggerfall'. Thusly much of my knowledge is very dated, if present at all! To make this sheet I perused several wikipedia pages, remarked that Thaumaturgy and Mysticism magic no longer existed, exasperated over the fact that Bretons seemingly are no longer a 'tall' race and decided to make my character 'tall' anyway, and now have an ongoing research project into the deities of the elder scrolls universe. I blame all of you for this newfound research project, but it will keep me busy and reading for some time as it seems it will be an important facet of this particular roleplay. Now that I've gotten the miscellaneous information about Fading Memory out of the way... [hr] This is an orchestral piece I listened to just because I liked it, and it happened to be playing as I started the sheet. Decided to put it on repeat a few times. I find its slower pace and tranquil tones to be a good feeling for the underlying emotional state of the character. She just wants people to be able to live together in peace, and because of her life 'on the run' she longs for familiar places and a 'home' to call her own. The underlying tones of sorrow are also very fitting, in this regard. https://youtu.be/S-Xm7s9eGxU [hr] The largest chunk of inspiration for the character comes from my girlfriend, actually, who within the last few months had many Jane Austen audiobooks playing out loud in our home. Prim and proper upper class etiquette has been burned into my head because of this, and I needed an outlet to get those vibes out of my head before I went insane. I decided to dump those feelings into this particular character, with the twist that she had to leave it all behind and is struggling to fit in with lower class society even after years of being on the road. [/hider] [/hider] As a mage of the Legion you will be granted Mage's robes. They are far heavier than the standard fare of mages for they are lined with chainmail to stop some strikes and fur to keep out Skyrim's cold. A steel shortsword is provided for self defence whilst a staff of alteration is handed over along with an alliance of lesser soul gems. -Legion Issued Gear [quote] This incident in training had earned Frelayne, whispered behind her back, the temporary nickname of 'Banshee'. She rather liked it, truth be told, but she would never openly admit this. [/quote] [/center]