[hider=Nyota Mtoto] [b]Name:[/b] Nyota Mtoto [b]Known Aliases:[/b] Star Child [b]Age:[/b] Four years old, though she claims to be merely the newest incarnation of a much longer lasting, larger whole that has existed for billions of years. [b]Appearance:[/b] A seemingly female figure composed of vines, leaves, and stems. Flowers are weaves into various parts of her body, especially a crown-like shape around her head, with a few large pink and blue flowers sprouting out of her scalp. They resemble a bow a little girl might wear in her hair. Her height shifts, her body shape in very slow but constant flux. However, her average height is about five and a half feet tall. The only features on her face are her eyes and mouth. Her eyes are two perfectly round black orbs with that look like stars of various colors shifting within. The same type of light can be seen down the back of her throat if she opens her mouth up. Her mouth has teeth and tongue, but they are made of vegetation. Nyota, besides her glowing eyes, is bioluminescent. On the inside of her body there is a warm yellow light that is turned green by the chlorohpyll of her 'skin.' Over her leaf like body, she wears a few metallic plates. Especially over her face, she wears a mask that covers everything except her eyes. She has similar smooth metallic plates over her chest, back, forearms, and thighs. They are a dull iron in color, chipped and scratched in some places, and are melded voluntarily into her form. Her fingers are fairly formed, but her legs are not. Her lower half shifts regularly, sometimes being snake like, other times being more defined legs. But her feet, if they do appear, resemble roots spreading out in all directions. [b]Psyche Profile:[/b] Nyoto is personable, friendly, and excitable. Earnest and honest, she enjoys conversation and making friends, with no ulterior motive. It simply brings her pleasure to converse, hear the problems of, and help solve the problems of others. Playful and compassionate, she gains joy out of bringing joy. Nyoto is wise, and tolerant of all kinds of people. Though she struggles to communicate them into terms we can understand, she believes she possesses fundamental truths of the universe that she tries to convey with her actions instead. She can also undergo long periods of peaceful meditation, but as her time in the Borehole drags on she is becoming more bored and depressed. While being very friendly, she is also full of odities and has an alien perspective when compared to humans. Thus her social skills can occasionally be strange and unpredictable, though she never means any harm with her innocent questions or tangents. Nyoto loves nature. Animals and plants both, she speaks of them, and to them, as if they were people. Despite all of the value she places on life, she places equal value on death and decay. This causes her to be callous towards death and mayhem, viewing it merely as another part of the cycle of nature. Still she does not go out of her way to cause harm and wants to prevent the suffering of others. She has a rare, but certainly present, wrathful side. If what she views as an atrocity of the Earth is committed infront of her over a prolonged period of time, she will go to great lengths to avenge it. [b]Background:[/b] Nyoto was first discovered by a rural community in Uganda. She arrived on the outskirts of town and began playing games with the local children. While the people were fearful of her at first, eventually they came to accept her as a member of the community. They were the ones who named her Star Child in Swahili, no doubt after her enrapturing eyes. Rumors of her began to spread across Africa and eventually the outer world. There are many strang things on Earth, and she wasn't causing anyone any harm. Infact, harvests were more bountiful, plagues were banished, and injuries cured. Nyoto left her home village and began to travel. This was the beginning of the end for her freedom. She saw companies pillaging the landscape. Jungles poisoned by oil forced from the Earth, many people suffering from conditions forced on them by others. The more she learned, the more revolted she began. At first she protested peaceably, but her words went unheard as private military forces fired upon this strange monster from the jungle. Nyoto's sorrow turned to frustration, and her frustration boiled over into wrath. One fateful day she wrought a horrible vengeance upon those who exploited the Earth. Animals rose up and tore the throats out of humans, plagues of insects consumed food, water became undrinkable. Nyoto herself suffocated, choked, and crushed those who had dismissed her earlier. She went from the outskirts and into the inner cities, levelling buildings and doing billions worth of damage to infrastructure. While she didn't purposefully kill any civilians, many died in the collateral damage, and many many more were made homeless, injured, or displaced. Seemingly taken by a bout of madness she travelled up north, from city to city. A force of humanity responded to her violence and managed to bring her spree to an end, using a combination of supernatural abilities, technology, and good old fashioned manpower and co-ordination. She was poisoned, subdued, and then captured. Nyoto was despondant afterwards and didn't resist after she had time to reflect on her actions. [b]Skills, Talents and Learning:[/b] She is good at playing the drums, speaking Swahili and English, the harp, and guitar-like instruments. She knows all of the plants and all of the animals, though not by their scientific name. [b]Power(s) and Capabilities:[/b] Ambient Affector: When in a good mood and in an area for prolonged periods of time, an extremely large area around her experiences better weather, livelier crops, and healthier human and animal populaces. Communicate with Animals: Animals listen to her and reflect her mood, and she can learn information from them as well. Induce Growth: With focus, she can concentrate and rapidly expand upon plant life to dangerous extents. From entangling vines to poisonous mushroom spores, to highly effective antidotes and medicines. Command Plants: She can give commands to plants, and evaluate their 'mood' and 'personality'. Vine Structure: She can extend her limbs and change her body shape. She is resistant to blunt damage and regenerates wounds. Her vines can be absolutely crushing, or she can simply smack people around with them. Nyoto also does not seem to age. Star Child: She can see perfectly in the dark, and knows her geographical location at all times. Slow Growth: All of her abilities very, very slowly expand in power the longer she is free to roam and interact with nature. [b]Power Limits:[/b] Concrete Jungle: Her powers reduce in effectiveness the longer she is cut off from nature and is in the man-made world. Water and Nutrients: Her powers are weakened if she doesn't have access to water or fresh soil. If deprived of water in particular for long enough, she'll die. [b]Known Vulnerabilities:[/b] Vulnerable to fire, pesticides, and slicing damage. [b]Motives:[/b] If Nyoto escaped, she would flee to the wilderness and potentially not come into contact with humanity again for a long time. Nyoto is also confused about her actions, she feels very guilty about them but also knows that the transgessions that were being committed could not stand. Nyoto understand why she is here, but also desperately wants to be free so she can live the life she thinks she was meant to have. [b]Level:[/b] To be determined. [b]Recommended Containment Procedures:[/b] A water drip in her cell to prevent her from dying, but not enough to bolster her abilities. The cell is to be airtight, made entirely of concrete and cleaned regularly to prevent build up of mold, insects, and bacteria. In order to accomodate this, Nyoto has two cells that she is made to alternate between once a week. No sunlight. A compost bin can be delivered to her once a month to improve her mood, and other amenities will keep her happy and compliant. If starved of niceties for too long she may become mischevious, rebellious, or throw a tantrum. [b]Notes:[/b] Overall a good prisoner, though not the easiest to contain. She's nice to most everyone, and has several ideas for "extra-curricular clubs and activites", such as starting a prison band, a sewing club, or a movie club. [/hider]