“Why didn’t you want me to know about it? It wouldn’t have changed anything. I wouldn’t have tried taking it from you and it wouldn’t have caused me to ask more questions.” She said, as if defending herself. Elissa couldn’t hide the look of betrayal that came to her face when he said they were leaving her in France. “I thought I was going to help you get your ship back.” Her voice shook. She blinked back the tears that wanted to fall, crying would only make her headache worse. “I thought you needed me to get it back.” Why couldn’t they just take her home, back to her ship and crew if they didn’t want her anymore. “Father keeps all his ships docked in England when they are not in use and when he left I know it wasn’t the Gallant he took. I could’ve gotten it back for you with no problems. Why can’t I help anymore? Why did you change your mind?” Elissa had a feeling she knew why, or really who, changed his mind. “I should worry about Rhea. How much longer will she tolerate you being around me before she decides to take matters into her own hands and does something to me like Rat did?” She fully believed that Rhea would harm her. The woman had made it clear she didn’t want Elissa near Joseph. He’d made it pretty clear too who he’d rather be with. Elissa laid back down in the bed, her back to Joseph. She curled up, feeling chilled now that he was no longer close beside her. She breathed deeply trying to ward off the nauseous feeling that still persisted. The darkness wasn’t helping the matter any. While she knew she was safe and not at Bedlam, her mind still began to bring back the nightmarish memories. Her heart was starting to race and it was a fight to keep her breathing steady. She was already starting to tremble slightly. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to picture herself someplace else, someplace that wasn’t dark. As usually the tactic didn’t work. The dark and the memories were too strong. Her deep breaths were becoming gasps that came quicker and quicker. Adam stepped onto the deck, blinking in the morning sun. Unlike some of the crew he hasn’t had too much to drink and faired fairly well that morning. He’d noticed the ship moving as well and had come to see how much of the crew managed to be present to work. He saw Rhea and decided now was a good time to speak with her. He’d wanted to last night after she had lured Joseph away but had thought better of it. Now seemed like a better time, the captain was no where in sight. “So what happened to letting him have his fun with the girl?” He asked casually.