That morning as daybreak hit Rhea had been on the rampage, some of the crew were understandably reluctant to set set sail whilst many of them were still drunk if they weren’t hungover, others disliked the orders were not coming directly from the Captain, although they knew Joseph often handed control of the ship to Rhea. Despite her small stature the woman could be terrifying, and rumours persisted that she’d forced men overboard, or shot them, for grievous insubordination in the past, thus the Morgue was in motion. “It changes everything” Joseph expressed, he wasn’t sure quite what to say when Elissa put forward her case regarding the initial plan they had set together, although he hadn’t formally agreed to the deal, “it’s just.. better if you don’t help” he sighed, “Rhea is mad with [i]me[/i], trust me on that”, he sighed and sat up as Elissa curled herself on the bed, she trembled and was puffing slightly which he assumed was due to the drink and the cold. He had to find out what the hell was going on with the ship.. Joseph stood up from the bed and pulled on the boots he’d kicked off last night, he buckled the pistol around his waist. He took another look at Elissa and pulled his coat over her, “I’ll come back with some water for you, alright?” he stated, he sort of huffed to himself before he made his exit from the room. Rhea was at the ships wheel, she eyed the surgeon as he approached and shot him a look when he enquired about Elissa, “why do you make it your business, Adam?” she asked sharply. The waters were rockier today than yesterday, it was bright but overcast and breezy, it was unclear if it was sea spray or drizzle that dampened their clothes, skin and the surfaces of the deck, in any case, it might have come as some cool relief to the inebriated crew. Rhea had pulled on a thick coat to cope with the cooler, wet weather.