Adam casually checked his instruments again as his fighter flew into the blue vortex of hyperspace. They were all fine, of course, but he didn't know what else to do. Throughout the entire flight to Dagobah, Adam couldn't stop shaking with anxiety. At first, he thought it was from seeing Kijani again, but as the endless blue stretched out before him, he realized it was something else. The Force, so long dormant in his mind, was warning him. About what, Adam did not know. A beep from his droid told Adam that they were coming up on Dagobah, and the pilot eased the controls out of hyperspace. After a few quick button presses, the empty black of space was suddenly laid out before him. The young Jedi almost didn't notice the pair of Gozanti-class cruisers in orbit above Dagobah, and did a double take when he did. Adam had to assume that the crews of these ships were doing the same thing he was, and Adam was in a better position to attack then they were. Adam's training immediately kicked in and his X-wing went into the attack. He knew he only had a few moments to cripple these ships before their shields went up. ---- Eskel woke up in cuffs and a blindfold. All around him, the prince could hear the stomping of feet on steel. "Cover the door!" he heard one of his former guards say. "She's almost here!"