Jinny raised her eyebrows at Mikron’s assessment of the mechanics teachers. Maybe once they were settled, she could ask her uncle to go back home and get some of her best work. She desperately wanted in that class. “Good to know – and you’re so lucky to have seen Luthor for real! I’ve only ever seen him on the internet. I guess he’s just as smart as they say.” She did not know what zero space fields, or a friction space generator were, and at this point was too afraid to ask. Research was in order. When Mikron called Slade “one-eye” Jinny went very slightly pale. Her eyes darted back and forth between the two males. She knew the look of irritation on his face, and it was never a good thing. It meant trouble. That look meant laps around the training yard until her legs fell off. For once in her life, she desperately wished to be telepathic, to convey to her second father not to ruin this for her. Luckily, she didn’t have to. He seemed to have let the comment slide. For now anyway. She knew he wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon. “I’d love to go! So far everything is kind of normal. If it wasn’t for all the metahumans, I’d be sort of bored.” She smiled cheerily, and looked up at Slade. “I’ll see you later, okay?” Was this making a friend? Maybe so! Even if he was an older boy, he seemed very cool. Also they spoke the same mechanical language, which was great. “Where are we going first?”