[centre] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQflg-z9nQOc9a6bCHFtrSb4lRpHccGrYNtw&usqp=CAU[/img] [h1]Jiugui[/h1] & [h1][color=yellow]Zenia[/color][/h1][/centre] [hr] Cartwheels were the optimal mode of transportation, of this much Zenia was quite sure. It was fast, fun, and kept the breath going in an above middling pace. It's only drawback was that spinning heedlessly towards a distant planet made it difficult to count properly. Combining that initial need for focus with all the shouting and racket going on below and above, Zenia had found herself hesitant in her counting twice, and as a result she was no longer sure if she truly was at cartwheel number thirty-two thousand and four, or two numbers below or above. That was before she even added all the unknown number of cartwheels she did before she even decided to start counting. When another shout about beholding this or that wonder of creation threw off her count for the third time, Zenia decided she'd had enough and halted midway to the prison-planet-waterball below to take a small break. Just in time too, as soon after a massive wave of light captured the orb in a dreamlike display of pulsing light that travelled over the surface before returning whence it came. The bright moving lights were almost enough to distract from the truly massive tree that was hard not to see from her vantage point in space. The easily distracted goddess lounged in place, starstruck by the magnificence of light, explosions and shifting mass that went on below, eyeing the warping orbscape with enthralled attention. "Ish crazy, ishn' id?" came a blurt from her left followed by a burp and a slurp. A small man stood there, white robes flowing around his form except for over his orb of a belly, where it was tight as a stretched skin, and not without great amounts of dirt and dust to dull its colour. The man knocked down a cup's worth of clear liquid and bared a brief snarl of spotted teeth. "Makesh a man wanna drink, dunnit?" [color=yellow]"Oh, for sure!"[/color] Zenia agreed with enthusiasm after a brief startle at the man's sudden appearance, or possibly just his general appearance. That enthusiasm did not linger, as the goddess scrunched the scarred fake face she wore in growing confusion. The nascent goddess worked hard to spin the wheels of thought, but eventually she simply asked; [color=yellow]"Drink what?"[/color] "What else?" asked the man as though Zenia had just inquired as to whether water is wet. His little cup refilled itself seemingly from the bottom and he knocked down another shot. His face stiffened into a pensive frown and he spoke, [centre][i]"Be I sad or stuffed with mirth, No sight like this is matched on earth. Set foot, I do, on duty's path; To work, I go, with hearty laugh."[/i][/centre] His frown became a grin and he slurred, "Sho wash yur name, misshey?" Delighted by this display of philosophy and creation, Zenia beamed back at the drunken scholar with no sign of apprehension at his slurred mannerisms. [color=yellow]"Oh, totally! How rude of me. I'm-"[/color] she began, pointing at herself with a confident thumb, but then caught her by surprise and left her confused. She eyed the strange material covering her arm and realized she still wore the appearance of another deity. Clearing her throat, the goddess grabbed her face and pulled, and with a soft rip her entire appearance came loose like a torn sheet of fabric. Beneath was a golden-haired woman with striking eyes and unblemished gently tanned skin. She shook the dangling fabric that had been her previous appearance, and it evaporated into small particles of dust. Finally, she took inspiration from the drunken god himself and swept herself in a white cloth. Confident her true self was restored -though she'd never looked like that before- she pointed at herself again. [color=yellow]"The name's Zenia! I'm like, so glad to meet you."[/color] Jiugui eyed his cup skeptically after taking in the change of appearance. With a staggering movement, the little man spread his stance clumsily and, with effort, managed to bow forward without tipping over. His [i]futou[/i] flopped sorrily as he nodded his head an inch deeper for that extra sign of respect before he catapulted his back up again with enough force to nearly send him tumbling off into the abyss. "Pleasshuret'meetyoo," he wheezed as he swung his arms around to regain balance. "My name!" [i]Wheeze![/i] "ISH!" Then silence. The man eyed her intensely with head bobbing along to the rest of his body still regaining it's footing. "... Jiugui." He held his cup up and affixed his stare to its rim, which slowly revealed a sheen of liquid, most of it spilling over the edge. "Whass you doon?" he asked to whomever was listening. [color=yellow]"Well,"[/color] Zenia began, turning to sweep out a hand towards Galbar. She promptly turned silent as her hand caught inside her too-long garment, being a direct copy of Jiugui's, and spent a good minute and a half fussily trying to shake loose the long sleeve from her arm. Eventually she grew frustrated, and simply tore it at the shoulder, ripping the entire sleeve off in one swift motion. She stared at her arms for a second before tearing the other sleeve off as well. Finally content, the blonde goddess nodded firmly and repeated her dramatic sweep towards Galbar. [color=yellow]"Well! Everyone else is doing all this like, exploding and creating and wave-making. I figured maybe I should also, you know, make something! But I don't know where to start. Or what to make. I don't think the big-timer gave me, like, one of those, uhm, you know, like something you got to do?"[/color] "I gozza do things?" the drunkard blurted out like the inconceivable truth that it was. His beady eyes fixed on the world below, where land rose up from the abyssal seas and cosmic powers coalesced into magic storms all around. He blinked with worry and grimaced hard, trundling back towards the Sunlight Palace. "Oof, iz brighz…" he conceded. It was enough to have him turn back and furrow his bushy brow. "Zzzzo, uh…" He snorted sheepishly. "Whaz, uh, whazzit that the ozzers gozza, gozza do, then?" He cast out a pointing finger at the world below. "Issit like that?" Zenia bought herself some time to answer by preening her hair and sliding a slew of it behind her ear. [color=yellow]"Uh, yeah. I think so. Like, we have to, you know, go down there and fill it with fun things that the big-timer will, like, enjoy. I think. To be honest I didn't catch everything but that looks like what everyone else is doing!"[/color] she concluded with a quizzical lilt of her head, and took a few steps towards Jiuigui. Immediately on moving, she caught herself in the new fabric and stumbled, face-planting forwards - or she would have if there had been anything to plant into. Instead she spun nearly a full circle before righting herself and groaning. Another soft rip later, she'd torn off the lower half of her clothes to end just above the knees. With that done, she finally moved up to peer at Jiugui closer. [color=yellow]"What's the thing on your head for?"[/color] The question fell flat as the creature was much too occupied laughing his holy tuckus off. He rolled around in the nothingness like a red-speckles white ball with limbs, spilling wine all over like a fountain. The goddess peered at the rolling catastrophe of wine and cloth with a bemused expression for a few moments, stewing in the moment with naught but quizzical embarrassment to hold on to. Then the dam burst and Zenia joined the laughing gremlin in a cheerful and boisterous guffaw, happily sharing in his mirth without any inclination of what had transpired prior or would in future. Just two gods laughing, like a freak festival exhibit of village idiots. After a good while and then some more, the drunk god could hardly breathe. He snailed sloppily into a sitting stance and had another slurp of his cup, unleashed a small [sub]pee-yew[/sub]. "I roll in the duzt foyoo, funny lady," he gurled approvingly. "You'n me, we gozza host a parzy some day." He clapped. "Whadda show!" Zenia broke from her own happy madness to gasp an exultation, [color=yellow]"You're a genius, Jiugui! Of course!"[/color] Entranced by whatever sidetrack she spun into, the golden-haired goddess paced back and forth in front of the sedate Jiugui as her mind raced at breakneck speeds. Her own conclusions came soon after, and she clapped her hands together confidently to announce her new resolve. [color=yellow]"I have a great idea! We, like, split up and look for the perfect place to have a party, and then we meet up to compare ideas! That way, we'll like, find a great place twice as fast."[/color] The man grinned. "Yeah! Two thumbs way, way up." His thumbing hands pointed down to the world and made a groggy gesture towards the equatorial islands. "Okay, buzz that! is juzz divine. Exquizzide. Trropigal parzy for the whole crew'n whazznod…" He bumbled on with some incoherent mumbles. "I will heaz… Oi… I will HEADZ…" [i]Urp…[/i] His beady eyes squinted at the world and blinked unevenly. His lips farting pensively on his tongue, he spoke, "I will head dhere." [color=yellow]"Great! Then I’ll, uhm…”[/color] Zenia began, idly pointing with her finger as Jiugui stumbled away, though none of the places she pointed at seemed particularly enticing, what with swirls of power, shifting landscapes and giant explosions. Was it so simple that Jiugui had chosen the best spot already? Her eyes transfixed on the far north of the planet, where an expanding swirl of energy was erupting in white and grey. [color=yellow]"Uh! There! Yep! I’ll start my search from the top, obviously! Oh, wait. How will we like- Jiugui, wait! How will we find eachother again?”[/color] she called as she broke off from her idea to head after the drunken stumbler. It was too late, however: The man was already gone, and in the world below, the faintest speck of white could be seen falling towards the equator like a tiny, spinning meteor, a clear trail of wine droplets trailing him like a comet tail. Zenia had to think fast. That was like her best trait, if you asked her. That, and coming up with fun ideas. Those two, and hosting amazing parties. Those three, and- She shook her head, trying to steer back to her original thought. She quickly grabbed hold of the discarded fabrics and molded them to become a hardened silvery metal in the shape of a circle with spokes shaped like her arms reaching out from the center. Molding the center, she added the inscription ‘Zenia awaits’, before throwing it after Jiugui as best she could. It would probably land close by, and he’d find it easily. Who else would ever find such a thing other than someone looking for it, after all? Surely no one else would ever pick it up and wonder what it meant. Especially not knowing that it would pulse with the same rhythm as her heart harder the closer it came to her. Jiugui was smart, he’d figure it out. Nodding to herself, Zenia watched the hand-sized medallion fly after the drunken god as she sighed contentedly. Soon after, she sped away towards her own chosen destination, eager to find her ideal party place. [hider=Summary] Zenia is cartwheeling in space. When she stops to gawk at all the chaos unfolding on Galbar, Jiugui catches up and the two become fast friends, probably. They have a deep and profound discussion about the purpose of their existence, and finally agree upon a joint mission - to find a kickass place and have a party there. Jiugui runs off before Zenia is done, and she creates a medallion that will help him find her. Whether or not Jiugui finds the medallion is of course unlikely. They zoom off to their respective corners of Galbar to [s]bring ruin[/s] create a great many things in the coming days. [/hider] [hider=Vigor] Jiugui didn’t spend anything in this post, leave him alone why don’tcha. Zenia had 10 Vigor. 2 - She created the Medallion of Zenian Purpose, which lets someone holding it feel her heartbeat stronger the closer they are. It also gives a holder an idea of what direction to go, and cannot be smelted or dented by non-divine methods. Zenia now has 8 Vigor. [/hider]