Adam came running back up on deck at the sound of the scream, a pot of coffee in one hand and a cup in the other. He’d been making rounds giving the men a cup of coffee to help sober them up, however the scream had done more than the coffee did. “Where is Elissa?” He asked, hurrying up the steps to join Joseph and Rhea. He didn’t notice the pistol aimed at his captain, which was probably a good thing. “Never mind, I’ll find her myself.” He sat what was in his hands down and took off. Adam was a man of science and didn’t believe in the superstition of the sailors. There was no such thing as sirens or spirits or the likes. There was however such a thing as someone reliving past trauma, which he figured was happening with Elissa. Joseph had left her alone in the dark, it had only been a matter of time before things went from bad to worse. Adam raced down the stairs, half hoping Elissa would scream again so he could find her. His wish was granted and he bolted for her room. He’d seen this behavior before and knew how to help her. He was angry with Joseph for leaving her locked away in the dark. This could have all been prevented. He grabbed a lantern from the wall and ran into Elissa’s room. She was curled up, eyes closed and hands over her ears, sobbing. Joseph’s cost had been kicked away. Adam sat the lantern on the table and went to her, taking her wrists and gently pulled her hands from her ears. “Elissa, Elissa come back.” He said calmly. He sat her up before sitting beside her, wrapping his arms around her. “You aren’t in Bedlam anymore. You’re free. Calm down and I’ll get you to the light. I brought a lantern, open your eyes, it isn’t dark in here. Look, you are on a ship.” This could have all been avoided if Joseph hadn’t chased after Rhea the evening before. There were voices calling her back to reality, telling her to open her eyes. “It’s a lie. It’s all been a lie.” She cried. “He lied to me. He had it all along.” “Shhh,” Adam brushed hair from her face. “It’s not a lie, you are no longer in Bedlam. You are free.” Oh he was going to have some words with Joseph once she was calm and out of the room.