So, I have been thinking long and hard about how we’re going to start since the strawpoll I made for this has consistently yielded a tie between the option of first having our training montage and such in Cyrodiil, then a day of leave in Solitude and then being deploy, or doing the same but skipping the training in Cyrodiil. I have decided to ultimately go with the latter. I do not think that the RP that can be found in boot camp will be as interesting as that which we can find in our day of leave, and on the battlefield itself. That said, I am not against people doing such RP of their own initiative. If somebody wants to detail their time in the bootcamp, they’re free to do so be it together with another player here they want to write that story with, and likewise if anybody wants I will set the scene for them, introduce their Drill Sarge, etc. However, the focus will be first and foremost on the present day, where we will begin in Solitude.