[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/893273948526108742/894758899872317440/YUDAIEL.png[/img] & [color=black][h1][b][u]Zelios[/u][/b][/h1][/color] [/center] [hr] Yudaiel propelled herself through the void of space with ease. Formlessness meant that committing herself to motion required little more than a thought, and her potent will could spirit her forth with swiftness undreamt of. Though she never lost track of the Galbar, erelong it had grown much smaller. Now she had surely come to a place more distant than any of the other deities; she was the most isolated and remote of them all right then, but she felt no loneliness. Instead there was a peace and tranquility to this void out amongst the sea of stars. She became still, and lost herself in her prescience. Even as she had left her touches emblazoned upon it, the Codex had made its own enduring marks on Yudaiel: she had read it as she had furiously scrawled in her contest with Iqelis, and indeed was even now ruminating further upon her pristine memory of its contents. Even having been sullied by Jiugui’s drunken stupor and otherwise marked by only a select few of the many other deities, the Codex contributed much to her understanding of Reality and expanded her Sight. Her understanding more complete, her prescience more potent and resolute; she could only imagine how much greater the effect would be if even more gods imbued it with their knowledge and designs. There remained precious little space left within the Codex after she and Iqelis had devoted so much to the all-important schematics of Time, but the lack of room meant little. Space remained between the lines and patterns for more to be etched and interwoven into the grand design, and if even those margins evaporated, the already-present marks could be overwritten. The glyphs beneath would retain their power, and an Eye as perceiving as her would still be able to make sense of the chaos and read the designs. Tuku, the one who had thought to search for divine mysteries, commit them upon the Codex, and then forever shroud those same secrets beneath a blot of ink, had sorely underestimated Yudaiel’s power; uncovering what laid beneath had taken the Prescient One no more than a moment, just a quick glance at the object’s past that had come as easily to the Reverberation as turning one’s head to the side might come to another. Now Yudaiel had seen those esoteric purportedly unlearnable secrets, and thus had she come to know some of the unknowable. She had seen stranger things also. She had cast her gaze in the other direction, towards the future, and seen hints of something grand. There was the outline, nay, [i]shadow[/i] of a great sphere of pallid luminescence -- in the prescient visions, even a glowing light could have a shadow. It was hard at first to discern just what this thing was meant to be, for it was something never seen before, something that had yet to even come into existence. While the purpose that it would hold eluded Yudaiel, she could See its every minute detail and facet...it was a perfect blueprint, and inexplicably, she felt not only a desire but also an urgency to bring it into the world. Much matter would be required for this pale sphere, for the thing was to be nearly a third the size of the the Galbar, but it looked so magnificent in her visions! Perhaps that was its purpose? Beauty, nothing more and nothing less? Or spectacle, a display of her might and potential? Both and more, Yudaiel eventually decided. She had come far away from the Galbar now, to a suitable location. She willed herself to halt and her motion was indeed arrested instantaneously, for her incorporeal nature meant that she had no inertia at all. Now she was beset upon by the task of gathering the necessary matter, and this was a daunting one indeed, for simply willing it all into existence would sap her of all her vigor and then some...there had to be another way. The other deities were shouting and hurtling their might back and forth in their own displays of power; she had paid their hubris little heed, but one of them had somehow conjured a vast and twisting construct upon one of the Galbar’s poles to explosive effect, and even before that, another had bombarded the surface with such force that entire lakes worth of water had been flung into the heavens and left to freeze into a ring. It wasn’t enough, not on its own, but all of this debris that they had left behind would be a start indeed. From their carelessness and destruction and the products of their litter would come her jewel, her sculpture, her [b]moon[/b]. She would take [i][b]all[/b][/i] of that matter that had been ejected from the Galbar. She needn’t even lay her claim to it, she reasoned, for was it not already hers? Just as this moon had been preordained, so too had it been destiny that this material be made available to her. She needed only to grasp and take it all. Her insubstantial essence diffused and expanded until she became a vast nebula of consciousness rather than a mere cloud, and then she [i]stretched[/i] towards the Galbar, invisibly surging forward like a vast tidal wave. She first enveloped the debris that had been created by Aethel and his grand tree, for its motion was eccentric and unstable and much of it was bound to have rained back down upon the world in short order had she not intervened. One could even say that the great arcs of stone parabolically curving back down, beautiful as they were, had been [i]doomed[/i] to fall and once be reunited with the planet and buried. The thought was amusing, for in claiming the material and granting it a higher purpose, she already no doubt defied that fool Iqelis. So much for his inevitability, his inexorable power, his supposed final truth! He saw only one reality, one end, and yet already she could see nearly infinite truths. So she pulled at the vast clouds of mana-laden detritus that drifted through the heavens, and yet it hardly budged. Strain, a new and somewhat alien sensation, crept into her. Though she had no true body, she evidently could still know fatigue as her divinity’s limits were strained. Rather than surrender to the pain, she relished in it as a new experience and greeted it warmly, submersing herself even deeper into the exertion of pulling. Still, she could not move it all; Aethel’s destructive stunt had shattered entire sections of the Galbar’s crust and the collective mass of this debris was far in excess of an entire range of mountains. Toiling resolutely, she struggled and channeled her psychic might. When she finally released it in one mighty heave, she let out a mighty telepathic bawl that soundlessly resounded through all the cosmos, silently shrieking into every mind that had an ear to perceive it. Her telekinetic pulling at the rocks had been so potent that it had perturbed the fabric of reality itself, with an effect that was noticeable. A massive gravitational wave perpetuated as a ripple through space and time as an echo of her ascendant power. The sweeping force gently perturbed the Galbar and the Monarch’s heavenly palace and every other facet of the universe, and then it was gone. Perhaps Yudaiel had thought she knew the meaning of exhaustion moments before, but how wrong and naive was that sentiment! This effort was draining beyond what she had known possible, and yet there still remained much work to be done. A hail of comets and asteroids approached her inexorably, set upon perfect trajectories such that they would collide and combine and coalesce with only a little bit of coaxing and intervention on her part -- her calculations and predictions had been nearly flawless; if anything, it was her execution of that telekinetic blast that had erred. Still, she had pulled and nudged at the debris quite precisely. Now there of course remained a second matter, that of those ice rings. Being much more stable in their orbit and considerably less massive than the stoney debris besides, she was not so pressed for time when it came to her manipulations of the icy comets and other chunks that constituted the rings. Her vastness reached out to probe at the rings and feel them. Just before she could do, a surge of black energy passed by - leaping from chunk to chunk, like a current of electricity. She could sense the presence of another god, further down the ring in the direction from whence the surge of energy came, who had evidently had his own plans for it. This she had not expected. It was rattling to be caught off guard by the machinations of some force she hadn’t seen in her visions, but the remedy, as always, was to look and watch. She needed more information. The Great and All-Seeing Eye peered through the void of space in search of the source of this disturbance. Finding it did not take long; she had many potent senses to guide her, and it was hard to hide from a seeking eye, especially for a being that radiated as much power as a fellow deity. [i][b]’You,’[/b][/i] she thought when she saw it -- [i]him[/i], a brother-god who she sensed held the power of the Shard of Darkness. The question now remained whether or not to establish contact, and what was to be done if his intentions did not align with her own. Yudaiel spent many moments contemplating that before she at last concluded that skulking and making enemies was not ideal; she already evidently had a rival to contend with in the form of that wretched Iqelis, and the path of least resistance going forward would be to befriend all the others that she could. She reached out to bridge across space and form a mental connection with that alien god, and then waves of her ideabstractions flowed through it: [color=9966CC]lonely motes of dust floated through dead and cold space, but then they suddenly came alive with motion and warmth. Space was meant to be silent as death, but the unseen power that animated the dust made it sing a name -- [i]Yudaiel[/i]. Song gave way to chanting. [i]Yudaiel[/i]. [i]Yudaiel[/i]. The chant finally devolved into mere humming, and the enchanted particles were swept up and made aglow with power. The diffuse bits of dust found their way to the occasional rocks, lone and tiny meteorites, and clumped about them, and then the resulting masses all hurtled at great speeds towards one meeting place. Here they had come to be swept into the heart of a great storm, a blizzard of rock and iron and ice that wrapped around a fiery maw in the center. The burning heart of the maelstrom was struck by the matter falling inward, and it greedily grew and grew as it subsumed more and more mass. Soon, it had devoured all, but that was not enough, the storm had to go on. So then those ice rings of Galbar were next, and it began to inexorably pull them closer. Time accelerated, and the massive storm ended. The gorged maw was finally satiated, and it cooled and eventually became a sister to the Galbar, a gleaming white jewel grander than any of the stars in the night sky.[/color] An inky black mass of smoke and oil approached from afar, before taking the form of a man with purple robes and black ravenlike wings. He settled himself down on one of the chunks of ice. [color=black][b]“I don’t suppose you could find your materials somewhere else?”[/b][/color] he asked calmly. [color=9966CC]The facsimile of Galbar and the moon-to-be grew rapidly smaller as the projection expanded in scope, until blackness consumed all. Nothingness. [i]There was nothing else out there to take or use[/i], the silent emptiness screamed.[/color] [color=black][b]“Or make it smaller?”[/b][/color] he suggested. [color=9966CC]A great and prismatic diamond appeared, scintillating with every color of the rainbow and resplendent in its beauty, but then in an instant it was reduced to a fleck of sand, and with that its beauty died. No, [i]size mattered.[/i][/color] [color=black][b]“I have my own plan for this ring.”[/b][/color] Empty, silent inquisitiveness answered that last remark. [color=black][b]“I am the God of Darkness,”[/b][/color] the man went on. [color=black][b]“My name is Zelios. And I intend to put a section of the world under constant shadow, where creatures of the night may shelter and walk openly without being blinded by the light. This ring offers the perfect foundation for that. We are strangers to one another, but in the spirit of good faith and cooperation, could you leave this ring as is? I do not care what else you take.”[/b][/color] [color=9966CC]The void of space and the majestic sight of the Galbar below and the moon-to-be beside it vanished, and suddenly there was only some great canyon. “In the spirit of good faith and cooperation,” Zelios’ own voice echoed back from across the ravines, distorted by the distance and the rock wall it’d recoiled off. Above, there was no sun, for it was night. Bigger than all the stars was a great glowing white eye that looked down. It blinked, or perhaps even [i]winked,[/i] and then the canyon crumbled away and the ideabstraction ended,[/color] the telepathic conduit broken as Yudaiel’s essence slowly withdrew from the ring. [hr] Out of kindness and goodwill, she had left that Zelios with those comets and debris of the Galbar’s more stable ice rings, even if she could have argued that claiming all such materials for this grand sculpture was her prerogative. In the end it mattered little, for the rings were not so massive as this other mana-laden debris that she had already captured, and even combined there would not have been nearly enough substance to make a worthy jewel in the sky. So she engendered more. More what? More fabric for the tapestry, more rock and ice and magma, more [i]substance[/i]. Consciousness begat reality. Divine will and power left her being and was compelled to reify, and so the core of what would become the moon manifested from nothingness. The anvil where she wrought these great powers was a very particular place, directly opposite from the heavenly palace on the other side of the Galbar; there, completely shadowed, was the heart of the great maw, the eye of the maelstrom. [hider=The Eye][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6c/55/bf/6c55bf4c025769f0af73167e39d009c8.png[/img][/center][/hider] In the accretion disk of all the material she’d seized, rocks and dust crashed and chafed against one another. Some were aglow aslike sparks as they fell into the maw at the center of her anvil, the core of the nascent moon. For many, many days Galbar’s sky was alight with the illuminations of her work. [hr] [hider=Summary] Yudaiel muses over what she saw while writing in the Codex with Iqelis. Already her powers of prescience, which were not fully realized at first, are growing stronger with the newfound knowledge that she gleaned from the Codex. She also was able to use her pseudo-time travel to view the Codex as it was right before Tuku Llantu spilt ink over some parts. She decides to make a moon for a couple of reasons: she thinks it’d be a great display of her own power, that it’d be pretty, that it might be important later, and last but not least she saw creating the moon in her own future and felt compelled to do it. To make the moon she needs some materials. With some crazy powerful telekinesis that creates huge gravitational waves and ‘silently shrieks’ in everyone’s heads, she grabs all of the rocky debris that Aethel flung up into suborbital or orbital trajectories when he made the giant tree. She then gets ready to take all the matter from Galbar’s more stable ice rings, but Zelios is there and she senses him and communicates with ideabstractions. As a favor, she leaves the rings for him because he claims to have other plans for them. The debris from Aethel is not enough to create an entire moon, so she has to use lots of her own vigor to create matter out of nothingness and shape all this stuff together. While she’s making the moon, there’s a huge lightshow going on up there in the sky. As of the end of this post, she’s not quite finished with making the moon, but has made good and quite rapid progress. [/hider][hider=Vigor Expenditure] -6 Vigor from Yudaiel to contribute to creating the moon; this is added to 2 of the 3 vigor that Aethel contributed to project moon, with Aethel’s third point of vigor having been spent to enchant the rocky debris with lots of mana. So now the moon is made in large part from special magical rocks and it has mana of its own. Yudaiel ends this post with 3 Vigor left. [/hider]