[@Lightning Fast] While I do like a lot of the idea so far (every base needs someone handy with tools!), there are a few things that make me hesitate. First, even if he's slow, having an advantage in brains [i]and[/i] brawns seems a bit too overpowered, especially for a Beginner. Beginners should be those Pokémon who have just begun their path as explorers, and thus lack things like "a wide array of techniques" and "significant telekinesis". I'd recommend picking one or the other as a viable strength, lower the current power level, and have Clay gradually work up to a higher level over time. Second, "misses out on team activities and adventures" seems like it would make him something of a narrative deadweight. I really don't want a character to be stuck at base washing dishes while the rest of the players are out having adventures and fighting battles. That's not fair to the player in question (you, in this case), nor does it contribute to any other parts of the story. Lacking speed in battle is one thing, but not being able to keep up with the story itself is no good at all. Like I said, I like the idea behind Clay. However, I'd ask that you do some fine-tuning before I can accept him as a character.