“I won’t force you to remember.” She said softly. “I know I tried to earlier. I was desperate to have my friend back, but you aren’t him any longer and I need to remember that. Perhaps though, we can become new friends or at least allies. Sometimes only those that have suffered and know fear can help each other where others who don’t know our pain cannot help.” Elissa felt his pulse, felt his fearful breath, it pained her to see him like that. She didn’t know what to do to help him aside from be there and listen to what he had to say. “The necklace was meant to remind you that you always had someone there for you. It can still mean that. I will still be here for you. You don’t deserve to feel this fear, no one should feel what they fear most.” She felt honored that he was willing to open up to her about what he was most afraid of, but at the same time she hated that he forced her to inflict it upon him. A decade ago was when he’d left or so she thought he had left. She had never considered that harm might have come to him. Their port had been a fairly calm place, there hadn’t been much danger, at least none she’d been aware of. She wanted to pull her hands away from his neck but his grasp kept them there. She hated to be the one to bring fear to him. Unlike Adam she didn’t blame him for what had happened. It wasn’t his place to remember her fears and baby her to avoid her panicking. Elissa didn’t know what else to say and so she did the one thing she’d been longing to do since she had first seen him on the ship. She moved from the couch to kneel in front of him and kissed him. She feared how he would react but for a brief moment she didn’t care. They were alike in having a great fear and were both alone when having to face it. She felt that he needed her, just as she needed him.