[center][color=darkgray][b][sub]E P I S O D E T H R E E : S T A G E F R I G H T [/sub][/b][/color][b][color=bf2628][sup][h1]EQUESTRIAN NIGHTMARE[/h1][/sup][/color][/b][/center] [center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/fP_PJHurUpKKn3-6aOqp1BZD3_cyyIm1ggCbBkCvu6c/%3Fcb%3D20120409151529/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/youngjustice/images/6/6d/Haly%2527s_Circus.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640[/img][/center] [COLOR=bf2628][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]H A L Y'S C I R C U S T E N T[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][sup][color=darkgray]May 29[sup]rd[/sup], 2021 | 20:38p.m | Gotham City, Conneticut[/color][/sup][/INDENT][/INDENT] After such a splendid performance by Nymph that had children and adults alike in a joyous mood, the show seemed like it'd only get better. [Color=red]“Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! We will be taking a brief intermission to allow you to stock up on snacks and use the restroom before the next main acts! In the meantime, give it up for the power couple of our grand circus. The Bearded Woman and the Tiny Maaaaan!”[/color] The two walked onto the stage with the hefty Bearded Woman bridal carrying her almost child-sized partner to the stage. The Tiny man waved at the audience while the Bearded Woman kept her chin held high to show off her full black beard that nearly reached her navel. Besides her beard, she was adorned with several pieces of jewelry. As the couple approached the microphone, the Tiny man grabbed it, tested it and then held it up to the Bearded Woman's face. [Color=lightcoral]“Ladies, take notes.”[/color] She set the Tiny Man down who now held up the microphone overhead with both hands as if he was the Bearded Woman's mic stand. She stroked her beard with a pleased grin as if to silently say "See what I mean" to the audience. Her performance was simply a stand-up comedy act with bits centered around the couple's odd relationship. She was meant to keep things PG but pushed the line several times. All in all, things were going quite smoothly until screams were heard from outside the circus tent in between the audience's laughter. Some in the crowd looked around to find the source, while others ignored it as they wanted to enjoy the show. Unfortunately, what was happening outside couldn't be ignored as two ponies burst through the tents. These ponies had an abnormal appearance. They were salivating and appeared to have gained more muscle mass than normal. One ran straight for the audience while the other towards the stage. The Bearded Woman pushed down the Tiny Man who curled up in a ball before being struck by the pony's hooves. Six more ponies entered through the tear in the tent, one using its mouth to drag a young girl by her ankle. The crazed roided up ponies only sought to harm and destroy. Despite how unsettling these creatures looked, Cybergirl would find them awfully familiar…