Surani stood at the base of High Hrothgar, and marveled at its height as she craned her neck upwards to see the impossibly high peak. It was a sight to behold, and it wasn't a sight that many outside of Skyrim would be able to see. She wondered if her mother had come here during her travels? Surely a place as well known as High Hrothgar would be a stop on her journeys? It was a possibility, but there was also the possibility that her mother didn't want to visit such well known places. Still, there was the chance she had come here, and she would love to retrace her mothers footsteps and walk to the summit, if her mother had. She sighed, however, and returned her eyes to the ground. She had more important things to do right now, like make sure her little secrets weren't found out. She instinctively pulled her hood tighter around her head, and made sure her cloak was wrapped snugly around her body. The sunlight wasn't going to make this journey easy on her, but she was determined to do it. She may not want to be a legendary 'dragon slayer' like the others, but the draw to learn something about these remarkable creatures trumped all of her concerns about this venture. She looked at the group of people that had decided that slaying dragons was the best way to spend their free time. They were a mixed bunch to be sure. She could see quite a few of the races gathered here, if not all of them. She supposed that meant that was a good thing. Having someone from all races meant their skills would be quite diverse, and they would be able to deal with a good many situations. Against a dragon, it would be a good thing to have such a diverse skill set. Surani listened as a Dark Elf gave what she thought was a poor attempt at a motivational speech. There wasn't a need to be so grim about it. A little levity could make for much better motivation than doom and gloom and 'By the nine its the end of he world if we don't do something'! She was tempted to say something, but the Dark Elf seemed the sort to take offense to such actions, so she kept quiet. Still, she would try to talk to her later after things had gotten underway. With a final few words, the Dark Elf headed up the mountain. Surani, after checking her equipment one last time followed after her.