1. I think Ishida was spreading his butter across too much bread; I honestly have no idea what benefit he saw in divide-and-conquering the school and the prefecture simultaneously. So I wrote him to have a sort of panic attack upon learning that Tamura/Takanashi's expedition failed. He'll scrap the whole plan and come up with something else which has all of us working toward the same short-term goal. More cohesive that way. I'll also have him realize (or, at least, postulate) that he can at least partly blame this failure on a lack of communication; so he'll be more apt to share the hows and whys or his plans in the future. 2. Four people is enugh to run an RP. We're quick to forget this fact because we started with like ten. Lol. But if the four of us who remain can stick to it, we can keep going indefinitely, with no more big lapses while waiting for people who log out for a month or who are off in the next field chasing the next ADHD butterfly. 3. I'd like to write a scenario which forces Ikue who become more involved than she currently is. Get her down in the dirt with the others so more exciting things are wont to happen to her. Obviously she could volunteer for such a thing if you'd hypothetically prefer that over her being dragged kicking and screaming down from her ivory tower. Only an idea but IMO a good one. 4. I just have the feeling that between the four of us, we can come up with a more cohesive vision for the game. I think Courtaud flew by the seat of his pants when it came to both plotting and worldbuilding. We can form a plan and we can commit to it, and we'll know what we're working toward even while we take breaks from the drama and stakes to do cute SOL nonsense. 5. Speaking of stakes. Have more stakes. Both for characters and for the quest at large. Uh, yeah.