[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GjazZAE.png[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][@Andromedai][hr][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]EARTH 257 - 9:40 AM Nov. 13th, 2021 - Metro, the Iron[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] Raynor let out a bit of a weak, pathetic chuckle. [color=d86615]"Good luck getting any clothes in the Iron without a chain code. They act like everything is cocaine or a bomb."[/color] He had never gone to the Iron before because he liked it there - he [i]hated[/i] it. It was suffocating and the entire country made him feel caged. He didn't understand how anyone could stand to live there. He knew now that the things he had done weren't... [i]great[/i], but he wasn't entirely convinced they were [i]wrong[/i] either. The Iron was all about control and taking away people's freedoms. He rolled his eyes at Maria, not making another reply to her Star Wars reference comment. In his world, the main killer was called Luke Starkiller and had no connection to Darth Vader - it was basically an entirely different set of movies. Han Solo didn't even survive past the first one. He froze though as Celestine mentioned [i]Ragnarok[/i]. It was the event that had killed his family and destroyed his world. The name Raynor had then used when he took out his pain on others. Meanwhile, Bonnie couldn't help but notice how fearful Niah was for Oliver. It was concerning, Oliver suddenly having an issue with his phasing when he never had before - but a certain part of it was heartwarming, seeing how Niah was so clearly falling in love. She frowned, though, listening to Oliver's explanation that he was actively trying to be in phase with their world now. The beginnings of an idea on how to cure him were beginning to form in her head. [color=f6989d]"Hmm. I think if we can temporarily stop the source of your speed somehow, you should no longer have to fight to be in phase - since you're out of phase due to rapid oscillations..."[/color] The easy solution would be to find some sort of inhibitor to give Oliver, only there was the problem as to whether or not 1) this world had inhibitors, 2) would one even work on Oliver, given his alien heritage, and 3) would he be able to remain in phase long enough for them to administer it. Raynor looked down at Sparky, as she asked him quietly if he was okay. [color=d86615]"Yeah, I'm fine,"[/color] he lied softly. [color=FFB795]"If ya need to go slow, maybe ya should go really fast first? Like sorta tire yourself out,"[/color] Amelia suggested. [color=FFB795]"That's what my old mans used to do with me, if I was bouncing all over the place, they'd have me go run laps around outside until I puked and then I'd be curled up in front of the telly for a few hours before it started again."[/color] She didn't know much about the science of being an inhuman-alien hybrid thingy, but if he needed to slow down, maybe what was going on wasn't that different from a sugar high? They were all on the train now and luckily (or not) they had the carriage to themselves. All the innocent bystanders wisely went into the other carriages to avoid them. A voice crackled over the intercom, announcing the next stop, as the train kicked into motion. The train was hurtling along and it would sound like raindrops were pounding down on the roof. [color=FFB795]"Does it rain underground in your world too?"[/color] Amelia asked. Seconds later, the carriage decoupled. The emergency exit hatch sprang open and down dropped, in a perfect superhero landing, a group of ten individuals in black Iron Man-esque armor. The leader's face shield popped up, revealing a familiar [url=https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000265223750-3robsq-t500x500.jpg]face[/url]. "Raynor Baldursen, Maria Novikova, Frederick Lensherr - you're under arrest for extreme acts of terrorism and violence. Any resistance will result in immediate termination... Nice work, Chase, Novastrov. Hayward'll be elated," the woman said. Unlike Cassandra, her accent wasn't British - it was American. [color=FFB795]"Woah.... Doppelganger..."[/color]